Managing existing metadata enrichments
Metadata enrichment assets are listed in the Metadata enrichments section of the Assets page. You can update, rerun, or delete metadata enrichment assets.
You can also edit, run, or delete metadata enrichments with APIs instead of the user interface. The links to these APIs are listed in the Learn more section.
Basic enrichment information
A summary of relevant information about a metadata enrichment is provided in the side panel. This panel is open by default, but you can also access it by clicking the Info icon .
The information includes these details:
- Selected enrichment options and sampling method
- The date and time that a publish job was last run, the status of this run, and links to the publish job and the target catalog
- The date and time that the metadata enrichment job was last run, the status of this run, links to the metadata enrichment job and the run metrics of the latest job run
- Scheduling information
- Any tags
- Information about who created and who edited the metadata enrichment and when
Editing the metadata enrichment
Edit a metadata enrichment to change any of these configuration settings:
- Asset details such as the asset name, the description, or tags. Note that changing the asset name does not change the name of the associated enrichment job.
- The data scope.
- The enrichment objectives, the category selection, and the sampling option.
- The schedule and the data scope of reruns.
You can edit a metadata enrichment asset in these ways:
- Open the metadata enrichment. In the Metadata enrichments section of the Assets page, click the asset's name or click View from the asset's overflow menu. Then, click Edit enrichment.
- In the Metadata enrichments section of the Assets page, select Edit enrichment from the overflow menu next to the asset name.
Hint: The metadata enrichment does not run automatically when you save configuration changes. You can run the updated metadata enrichment manually or wait for the next scheduled run. See Running metadata enrichment jobs.
Deleting a metadata enrichment asset
You can delete a metadata enrichment asset from a project in one of these ways:
- Select the Delete option from the overflow menu for the asset on the project Assets page.
- Open the asset and select Delete from the overflow menu.
The metadata enrichment configuration and its associated metadata enrichment job are deleted. Assets in the project or a catalog that were enriched with this metadata enrichment asset are not affected. You might need to refresh your browser to see the deletion reflected.
Learn more
Next steps
- Managing metadata enrichment jobs
- Identifying primary keys
- Identifying relationships
- Running advanced data profiling
- Working with the enrichment results
Parent topic: Managing metadata enrichment