Stop using services or Cloud Pak for Data as a Service

Last updated: Nov 27, 2024
Stop using services or Cloud Pak for Data as a Service

You can stop using any services or Cloud Pak for Data as a Service at any time, whether you are accessing the services from your own or someone else's IBM Cloud account.

The method you choose to stop using Cloud Pak for Data as a Service depends on your goal:

When other users in your account stop using Cloud Pak for Data as a Service, they are cleaned up appropriately.

Leave Cloud Pak for Data as a Service

If you want to leave Cloud Pak for Data as a Service:

  1. Log in to Cloud Pak for Data as a Service.
  2. Click your avatar and then Profile.
  3. On the Profile page, click Leave Cloud Pak for Data. If you change your mind about leaving, you can sign up to re-activate your profile.

Use this process when you want to stop using Cloud Pak for Data as a Service, you are not the account owner, and you want to keep your IBM Cloud account.

These are the results when you leave Cloud Pak for Data as a Service:

  • Your profile is deleted and you can't log in to Cloud Pak for Data as a Service.
  • Your projects, catalogs, and deployment spaces remain until you delete your core services.
  • Your IBM Cloud account remains active.
  • Your IBM Cloud services are not affected.

Delete a service

To remove your Studio, Runtime, Watson OpenScale, IBM Knowledge Catalog, Data Virtualization, DataStage, Match 360, or Cognos Dashboard Embedded service:

  1. Log in to Cloud Pak for Data as a Service.
  2. Click Services > Service instances.
  3. Click the menu next to the service you want to remove and choose Delete.

This action is the same as deleting the service in IBM Cloud. If you change your mind within 30 days, you can get your services and data back by reprovisioning the service.

These are the results when you delete the Studio or IBM Knowledge Catalog service:

  • Your Cloud Pak for Data as a Service profile remains.
  • You can no longer access that service from that IBM Cloud account.
  • You can still access your services from other accounts.
  • Your billing for that service stops.
  • Your data in IBM Cloud Object Storage remains.
  • Your projects remain.
  • The catalogs in your IBM Cloud account are suspended for 30 days and then deleted.
  • You remain a collaborator in all your projects and in catalogs in other IBM Cloud accounts.

Closing a IBM Cloud account

If you want to stop using IBM Cloud services altogether and delete all your data, you can deactivate your IBM Cloud account. Follow these steps to close your Lite account:

  1. Sign in to your IBM Cloud account.
  2. In the IBM Cloud console, go to the Manage > Account > Account settings page.
  3. Click Close Account. After an account is closed for 30 days, all data is deleted and all services are removed.

If you are not the owner of the account, you do not see a Close Account button.

These are the results when your IBM Cloud account is in the Canceled state:

  • All your data in IBM Cloud is permanently deleted in 30 days.
  • The projects and catalogs in your account are deleted.
  • Your Cloud Pak for Data as a Service profile and your IBM Cloud profile are deleted.
  • All the IBM Cloud services in you account are deleted in 30 days.
  • You are removed as a collaborator from projects and catalogs in other accounts within 30 days.

If you want to close a Pay-As-You-Go or Subscription account, contact Support.

Learn more

Parent topic: Managing Cloud Pak for Data as a Service