You find assets in a catalog on the Browse page. You must be a collaborator in the catalog.
You can find an asset in these ways:
Browse for an asset
Before you search, you can browse through these types of assets:
- Recently added assets
- Recommended assets
- Highly rated assets (3 stars or more)
Recommended assets
Click Watson Recommends to see up to 20 assets that are recommended for you. The platform uses machine learning to derive a list of assets that you haven't accessed yet based on properties common to the assets that you've viewed, created, and added to projects, such as tags, data types, asset owners, and asset types.
The more assets that you access, the better the recommendations are.
Search for an asset
To search for an asset, enter keywords in the search field for matches in these asset properties:
- Tags
- Name
- Description
- Column names
You can filter results by:
- Tags
- Asset types
You can sort results by name, asset type, or date added.
You can also search for assets across all catalogs and projects that you belong to.
View an asset
To view an asset in a catalog, click its name. You'll see a set of pages about the asset:
Basic information about an asset is shown in the About this asset side panel that you can show or hide by clicking the information icon. The asset information includes asset owner, privacy, format and size, source, tags, and date added.
Overview page
The asset Overview page shows the relationships to other assets. For data assets, the Columns section shows the columns in the data set. If you have permission, you can edit asset properties and asset relationships on this page.
Asset page
The Asset page shows a preview of the contents of the asset if the asset type supports previews and you have the proper permissions. The preview might show cached information. To ensure that the latest data is displayed, refresh the page by clicking the refresh button.
If the asset has an associated file that is stored in the catalog's storage, you can download the file.
Access page
The Access page shows the asset owner, the privacy setting, and the asset members. If you have permission, you can control access to an asset on this page.
Review page
The Review page shows the ratings and reviews of the asset by catalog collaborators. You can rate the asset and write a review on this page.
Profile page
For data assets, the Profile page shows profile information about the contents of the asset.
Feature group page (beta)
For data assets, the Feature group page lists the features in the asset feature group. See Managing feature groups.
Next steps
- Adding a catalog asset to a project to refine or analyze it
- Profiling a data asset
- Editing asset properties
- Managing feature groups
- Adding asset relationships
- Controlling access to an asset
Parent topic: Catalog assets