Deleting a catalog

Last updated: Jan 12, 2024
Deleting a catalog

When a catalog is no longer useful, you can delete it.

Required permissions
To delete a catalog, you must have one of these permissions:
  • You have the Admin role in the catalog
  • You have the Writer role for "All resources in account"

Deleting a catalog deletes all assets in the catalog, including all files in the catalog's object storage that are associated with assets. If the object storage bucket is empty after all the catalog assets are deleted, the bucket is also deleted. The catalog collaborators are notified that the catalog is deleted. Any catalog assets that were copied into projects are not affected.

To delete a catalog:

  1. Go to your catalogs page by clicking Catalog > View all catalogs.
  2. Click the action menu next to the catalog name and choose Delete.

Parent topic: Administering a catalog