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Adding catalog assets to a project
Last updated: 16 февр. 2025 г.
Adding catalog assets to a project

You can add a catalog asset to a project from within the project or from within the catalog.

The project must meet these requirements:

  • Use IBM Cloud Object Storage.
  • Restrict collaborators to members of the same IBM Cloud account or company as the owner of the catalog. See Creating a project.
Required permissions

You must have the following roles and permissions to copy a catalog asset to a project:

  • The Admin, Editor, or Viewer catalog collaborator role.
  • The Add assets to projects user permission.

You can't add an asset in these situations:

  • If the asset is blocked by data protection rules.
  • If the asset requires a private connection asset that you're not a member of.
  • If the asset requires a service instance, but you don't have permission to access or create one. You can ask a project admin for help.

For relational data assets, if any of the columns are masked when you view the asset in the catalog, those columns are also masked when you add the asset to a project. All project collaborators see the asset the way it looks to the person who adds it from the catalog.

Asset profile information is copied to the catalog. Data quality information is not copied.

If you add assets from a catalog in another account, profiles of structured data assets are not copied because the set of available data classes might be different. You must manually create a new profile.

Add assets from within a project

To add catalog assets from within a project:

  1. From your project, click Assets > Import assets > Catalog asset.

  2. Choose a catalog, then select the assets that you want to import.

  3. Click Import. If the assets require connections, the connection assets are automatically added to the project, including connections to IBM Cloud Object Storage for uploaded files.

The assets are added to the project.

Add assets from within the catalog

To add assets to a project from the catalog:

  1. From the catalog Browse page, search for the assets you want to add and select them.

  2. Click Add to project. If any of the assets require a connection, those connections are listed and they get added to the project as connection assets, including connections to IBM Cloud Object Storage for uploaded files. If you don't want to add a connection, you can remove it. All assets that require the removed connection are removed from the list of assets to add.

    When you're inside of a governed catalog and click Add to project, information about new data protection rule enforcement protocol appears. You must acknowledge it to continue. The data protection rules apply only to deeply enforced assets (data sources that are integrated with deep enforcement solutions, such IBM Data Virtualization, IBM Security Guardium Data Protection, or IBM watsonx.data). These rules don't apply to local assets. As a result, local assets, such as CSV files are unmasked in the catalog view.

    Projects and spaces are now archived after 90 days of inactivity to preserve resources. To work with such projects or spaces again, unarchive them by opening them on the project or space page. Depending on the size of the project or space, unarchiving might take a varied amount of time.

    If you don't have the Add assets to projects permission, the Add to project button is disabled.

  3. Choose the project name.

  4. If prompted, choose or create a required service instance.

  5. Click Add.

The assets are added to the project.

Watch these short videos to see how to use catalog assets in a project.

This video provides a visual method to learn the concepts and tasks in this documentation.

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Parent topic: Projects