Adding assets to a catalog

Last updated: Apr 05, 2024
Adding assets to a catalog

You can add assets to a catalog to share them with other catalog collaborators. Assets might contain up to 5000 columns, duplicate names. You might add an asset to a catalog multiple times.

Required permissions
You must have the Editor or Admin role in the catalog to add assets to it.

To add an asset to a catalog, click Add to catalog on the catalog Browse page, import metadata, or publish assets from a project:

Custom asset types, properties, and relationships

To add a custom asset to a catalog:

  1. In a catalog, click the Add to catalog dropdown and select Custom asset.
  2. Assign a name and specificy the custom asset type.
  3. Click Create.

To learn how to create a custom asset type, see Creating custom asset types.

Watch this short video to see how to add assets to a catalog.

This video provides a visual method to learn the concepts and tasks in this documentation.

Next steps

Parent topic: Catalog assets