Entity extraction

Last updated: Nov 07, 2024
Entity extraction

The Watson Natural Language Processing Entity extraction models extract entities from input text.

For details, on available extraction types, refer to these sections:

Machine-learning-based extraction for general entities

The machine-learning-based extraction models are trained on labeled data for the more complex entity types such as person, organization and location.


The entity models extract entities from the input text. The following types of entities are recognized:

  • Date
  • Duration
  • Facility
  • Geographic feature
  • Job title
  • Location
  • Measure
  • Money
  • Ordinal
  • Organization
  • Person
  • Time
Capabilities of machine-learning-based extraction based on an example
Capabilities Examples
Extracts entities from the input text. IBM's CEO Arvind Krishna is based in the US -> IBM\Organization , CEO\JobTitle, Arvind Krishna\Person, US\Location

Available workflows and blocks differ, depending on the runtime used.

Workflow names

  • entity-mentions_transformer-workflow_multilingual_slate.153m.distilled: this workflow can be used on both CPUs and GPUs.
  • entity-mentions_transformer-workflow_multilingual_slate.153m.distilled-cpu: this workflow is optimized for CPU-based runtimes.

Supported languages

Entity extraction is available for the following languages.

ar, cs, da, de, en, es, fi, fr, he, hi, it, ja, ko, nb, nl, nn, pt, ro, ru, sk, sv, tr, zh-cn

For a list of language codes and corresponding languages, see Language codes

Code sample

import watson_nlp
# Load the workflow model
entities_workflow = watson_nlp.load('entity-mentions_transformer-workflow_multilingual_slate.153m.distilled')
# Run the entity extraction workflow on the input text
entities = entities_workflow.run('IBM\'s CEO Arvind Krishna is based in the US', language_code="en")

Output of the code sample:

[('IBM', 'Organization'), ('CEO', 'JobTitle'), ('Arvind Krishna', 'Person'), ('US', 'Location')]

Rule-based extraction for general entities

The rule-based model entity-mentions_rbr_xx_stock identifies syntactically regular entities.

Block name entity-mentions_rbr_xx_stock


Rule-based extraction handles syntactically regular entity types. The entity block extract entities from the input text. The following types of entities are recognized:

  • PhoneNumber
  • EmailAddress
  • Number
  • Percent
  • IPAddress
  • HashTag
  • TwitterHandle
  • URLDate
Capabilities of rule-based extraction based on an example
Capabilities Examples
Extracts syntactically regular entity types from the input text. My email is john@us.ibm.com -> john@us.ibm.com\EmailAddress

Supported languages

Entity extraction is available for the following languages. For a list of the language codes and the corresponding language, see Language codes.

ar, cs, da, de, en, es, fi, fr, he, hi, it, ja, ko, nb, nl, nn, pt, ro, ru, sk, sv, tr, zh-cn, zh-tw

Dependencies on other blocks


Code sample

import watson_nlp

# Load a rule-based Entity Mention model for English
rbr_entity_model = watson_nlp.load('entity-mentions_rbr_en_stock')

# Run the entity model on the input text
rbr_entity_mentions = rbr_entity_model.run('My email is john@us.ibm.com')

Output of the code sample:

  "mentions": [
      "span": {
        "begin": 12,
        "end": 27,
        "text": "john@us.ibm.com"
      "type": "EmailAddress",
      "producer_id": {
        "name": "RBR mentions",
        "version": "0.0.1"
      "confidence": 0.8,
      "mention_type": "MENTT_UNSET",
      "mention_class": "MENTC_UNSET",
      "role": ""
  "producer_id": {
    "name": "RBR mentions",
    "version": "0.0.1"

Rule-based extraction for PII entities

The rule-based model entity-mentions_rbr_multi_pii handles the majority of the types by identifying common formats of PII entities and performing possible checksum or validations as appropriate for each entity type. For example, credit card number candidates are validated using the Luhn algorithm.

Block name entity-mentions_rbr_multi_pii


The entity block entity-mentions_rbr_multi_pii recognizes the following types of entities:

Entities extracted by the entity-mentions_rbr_multi_pii block
Entity type name Description Supported languages
BankAccountNumber.CreditCardNumber.Amex Credit card number for card types AMEX (15 digits). Checked through the Luhn algorithm. All
BankAccountNumber.CreditCardNumber.Master Credit card number for card types Master card (16 digits). Checked through the Luhn algorithm. All
BankAccountNumber.CreditCardNumber.Other Credit card number for left-over category of other types. Checked through the Luhn algorithm. All
BankAccountNumber.CreditCardNumber.Visa Credit card number for card types VISA (16 to 19 digits). Checked through the Luhn algorithm. All
EmailAddress Email addresses, for example: john@gmail.com ar, cs, da, de, en, es, fi, fr, he, hi, it, ja, ko, nb, nl, nn, pl, pt, ro, ru, sk, sv, tr, zh-cn
IPAddress IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, for example, ar, cs, da, de, en, es, fi, fr, he, hi, it, ja, ko, nb, nl, nn, pl, pt, ro, ru, sk, sv, tr, zh-cn
PhoneNumber Any specific phone number, for example, 0511-123-456 ar, cs, da, de, en, es, fi, fr, he, hi, it, ja, ko, nb, nl, nn, pl, pt, ro, ru, sk, sv, tr, zh-cn

Some PII entity type names are country-specific. The _ in the following entity types is a placeholder for a country code.

  • BankAccountNumber.BBAN._ : These are more variable national bank account numbers and the extraction is mostly language-specific without a general checksum algorithm.
  • BankAccountNumber.IBAN._ : Highly standardized IBANs are supported in a language-independent way and with a checksum algorithm.
  • NationalNumber.NationalID._: These national IDs don’t have a (published) checksum algorithm, and are being extracted on a language-specific basis.
  • NationalNumber.Passport._ : Checksums are implemented only for the countries where a checksum algorithm exists. These are specifically extracted language with additional context restrictions.
  • NationalNumber.TaxID._ : These IDs don't have a (published) checksum algorithm, and are being extracted on a language-specific basis.

Which entity types are available for which languages and which country code to use is listed in the following table.

Country-specific PII entity types
Country Entity Type Name Description Supported Languages
Austria BankAccountNumber.BBAN.AT Basic bank account number de
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.AT International bank account number all
NationalNumber.Passport.AT Passport number de
NationalNumber.TaxID.AT Tax identification number de
Belgium BankAccountNumber.BBAN.BE Basic bank account number fr, nl
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.BE International bank account number all
NationalNumber.NationalID.BE National identification number fr, nl
NationalNumber.Passport.BE Passport number fr, nl
Bulgaria BankAccountNumber.BBAN.BG Basic bank account number bg
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.BG International bank account number all
NationalNumber.NationalID.BG National identification number bg
Canada NationalNumber.SocialInsuranceNumber.CA Social insurance number. Checksum algorithm is implemented. en, fr
Croatia BankAccountNumber.BBAN.HR Basic bank account number hr
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.HR International bank account number all
NationalNumber.NationalID.HR National identification number hr
NationalNumber.TaxID.HR Tax identification number hr
Cyprus BankAccountNumber.BBAN.CY Basic bank account number el
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.CY International bank account number all
NationalNumber.TaxID.CY Tax identification number el
Czechia BankAccountNumber.BBAN.CZ Basic bank account number cs
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.CZ International bank account number cs
NationalNumber.NationalID.CZ National identification number cs
NationalNumber.TaxID.CZ Tax identification number cs
Denmark BankAccountNumber.BBAN.DK Basic bank account number da
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.DK International bank account number all
NationalNumber.NationalID.DK National identification number da
Estonia BankAccountNumber.BBAN.EE Basic bank account number et
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.EE International bank account number all
NationalNumber.NationalID.EE National identification number et
Finland BankAccountNumber.BBAN.FI Basic bank account number fi
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.FI International bank account number all
NationalNumber.NationalID.FI National identification number fi
NationalNumber.Passport.FI Passport number fi
France BankAccountNumber.BBAN.FR Basic bank account number fr
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.FR International bank account number all
NationalNumber.Passport.FR Passport number fr
NationalNumber.SocialInsuranceNumber.FR Social insurance number. Checksum algorithm is implemented. fr
Germany BankAccountNumber.BBAN.DE Basic bank aAccount number de
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.DE International bank account number all
NationalNumber.Passport.DE Passport number de
NationalNumber.SocialInsuranceNumber.DE Social insurance number. Checksum algorithm is implemented. de
Greece BankAccountNumber.BBAN.GR Basic bank account number el
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.GR International bank account number all
NationalNumber.Passport.GR Passport number el
NationalNumber.TaxID.GR Tax identification number el
NationalNumber.NationalID.GR National ID number el
Hungary BankAccountNumber.BBAN.HU Basic bank account number hu
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.HU International bank account number all
NationalNumber.NationalID.HU National identification number hu
NationalNumber.TaxID.HU Tax identification number hu
Iceland BankAccountNumber.BBAN.IS Basic bank account number is
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.IS International bank account number all
NationalNumber.NationalID.IS National identification number is
Ireland BankAccountNumber.BBAN.IE Basic bank account number en
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.IE International bank account number all
NationalNumber.NationalID.IE National identification number en
NationalNumber.Passport.IE Passport number en
NationalNumber.TaxID.IE Tax identification number en
Italy BankAccountNumber.BBAN.IT Basic bank account number it
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.IT International bank account number all
NationalNumber.NationalID.IT National identification number it
NationalNumber.Passport.IT Passport number it
Latvia BankAccountNumber.BBAN.LV Basic bank account number lv
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.LV International bank account number all
NationalNumber.NationalID.LV National identification number lv
Liechtenstein BankAccountNumber.BBAN.LI Basic bank account number de
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.LI International bank account number all
Lithuania BankAccountNumber.BBAN.LT Basic bank account number lt
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.LT International bank account number all
NationalNumber.NationalID.LT National identification number lt
Luxembourg BankAccountNumber.BBAN.LU Basic bank account number de, fr
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.LU International bank account number all
NationalNumber.TaxID.LU Tax identification number de, fr
Malta BankAccountNumber.BBAN.MT Basic bank account number mt
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.MT International bank account number all
Netherlands BankAccountNumber.BBAN.NL Basic bank account number nl
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.NL International bank account number all
NationalNumber.NationalID.NL National identification number nl
NationalNumber.Passport.NL Passport number nl
Norway BankAccountNumber.BBAN.NO Basic bank account number no
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.NO International bank account number all
NationalNumber.NationalID.NO National identification number no
NationalNumber.NationalID.NO.Old National identification number old no
NationalNumber.Passport.NO Passport number no
Poland BankAccountNumber.BBAN.PL Basic bank account number pl
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.PL International bank account number all
NationalNumber.NationalID.PL National identification number pl
NationalNumber.Passport.PL Passport number pl
NationalNumber.TaxID.PL Tax identification number pl
Portugal BankAccountNumber.IBAN.PT International bank account number all
BankAccountNumber.BBAN.PT Basic bank account number pt
NationalNumber.NationalID.PT National identification number pt
NationalNumber.NationalID.PT.Old National identification number, obsolete format pt
NationalNumber.TaxID.PT Tax identification number pt
Romania BankAccountNumber.BBAN.RO Basic bank account number ro
BankAccountNumber.IBAN.RO International bank account number all
NationalNumber.NationalID.RO National identification number ro
NationalNumber.TaxID.RO Tax identification number ro
Slovakia BankAccountNumber.IBAN.SK International bank account number all
BankAccountNumber.BBAN.SK Basic bank account number sk
NationalNumber.TaxID.SK Tax identification number sk
NationalNumber.NationalID.SK National identification number sk
Slovenia BankAccountNumber.IBAN.SI International bank account number all
Spain BankAccountNumber.IBAN.ES International bank account number all
BankAccountNumber.BBAN.ES Basic bank account number es
NationalNumber.NationalID.ES National identification number es
NationalNumber.Passport.ES Passport number es
NationalNumber.TaxID.ES Tax identification number es
Sweden BankAccountNumber.IBAN.SE International bank account number all
BankAccountNumber.BBAN.SE Basic bank account number sv
NationalNumber.NationalID.SE National identification number sv
NationalNumber.Passport.SE Passport number sv
Switzerland BankAccountNumber.IBAN.CH International bank account number all
BankAccountNumber.BBAN.CH Basic bank account number de, fr, it
NationalNumber.NationalID.CH National identification number de, fr, it
NationalNumber.Passport.CH Passport number de, fr, it
NationalNumber.NationalID.CH.Old National identification number, obsolete format de, fr, it
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland BankAccountNumber.IBAN.GB International bank account number all
NationalNumber.SocialSecurityNumber.GB.NHS National Health Service number all
NationalNumber.SocialSecurityNumber.GB.NINO National Social Security Insurance number all
NationalNumber.NationalID.GB.Old National ID number, obsolete format all
NationalNumber.Passport.GB Passport Number. Checksum algorithm is not implemented and hence come with additional context restrictions. all
United States NationalNumber.SocialSecurityNumber.US Social Security number. Checksum algorithm is not implemented and hence come with additional context restrictions. en
NationalNumber.Passport.US Passport Number. Checksum algorithm is not implemented and hence come with additional context restrictions. en

Dependencies on other blocks


Code sample

import watson_nlp

# Load the RBR PII model. Note that this is a multilingual model supporting multiple languages.
rbr_entity_model = watson_nlp.load('entity-mentions_rbr_multi_pii')

# Run the RBR model. Note that language code of the input text is passed as a parameter to the run method.
rbr_entity_mentions = rbr_entity_model.run('Please find my credit card number here: 378282246310005. Thanks for the payment.', language_code='en')

Output of the code sample:

  "mentions": [
      "span": {
        "begin": 40,
        "end": 55,
        "text": "378282246310005"
      "type": "BankAccountNumber.CreditCardNumber.Amex",
      "producer_id": {
        "name": "RBR mentions",
        "version": "0.0.1"
      "confidence": 0.8,
      "mention_type": "MENTT_UNSET",
      "mention_class": "MENTC_UNSET",
      "role": ""
  "producer_id": {
    "name": "RBR mentions",
    "version": "0.0.1"

Parent topic: Watson Natural Language Processing task catalog