Exporting space assets from deployment spaces
You can export assets from a deployment space so that you can share the space with others or reuse the assets in another space.
For a list of assets that you can export from space, refer to Assets in a deployment space.
Exporting space assets from the UI
To avoid problems with importing the space, export all dependencies together with the space. Be mindful when selecting assets to always also include the dependencies of those assets, for example the data assets or connections for a data flow, a notebook, connected data, metadata imports, data quality definitions and rules, or jobs. There is no check for dependencies. If you don't include the dependencies, subsequent project imports will not work.
To export space assets from the UI:
- From your deployment space, click the import and export space
icon. From the list, select Export space.
- Click New export file. Specify a file name and an optional description.
Tip: To encrypt sensitive data in the exported archive, type the password in the Password field. - Select the assets that you want to export with the space.
- Click Create to create the export file.
- After the space is exported, click the download
to save the file.
You can reuse this space by choosing Create a space from a file when you create a new space.
Exporting space assets programmatically
You can export space assets programmatically by using the watsonx.ai Python client library or CPDCTL.
Exporting space assets by using the Python client library
To export space assets programmatically by using the watsonx.ai Python client library, use the client.Export() function. For more information, see watsonx.ai Python client library.
Exporting space assets by using the cpdctl tool
By using the
tool, you can export these types of assets:cpdctl
Refer to this example code:
$ cpdctl asset export start --space-id <space id> --assets '{"all_assets": true}' --name <my exported space>
ID: <export id>
Name: <my exported space>
Created: <date>
State: completed
$ cpdctl asset export download --space-id <my exported space> --export-id <export id> --output-file /tmp/space.zip
The following output is written to the
For more information, see cpdctl tool documentation.
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Parent topic: Deployment spaces