You can use IBM Cloud connectivity options for accessing cloud services securely by using service endpoints. When you provision a Runtime service instance, you can choose if you want to access your service through the public internet,
which is the default setting, or over the IBM Cloud private network.
How you access service endpoints depends on the Cloud platform you are using.
Accessing endpoints on IBM Cloud
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You can use the Service provisioning page to choose a default endpoint from the following options:
You can use public network endpoints to connect to Runtime service instance on the public network. Your environment needs to have internet access to connect.
Private network
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You can use private network endpoints to connect to your IBM Runtime service instance over the IBM Cloud Private network. After you configure your Runtime service to use private endpoints, the service is not accessible
from the public internet.
Private URLs for Runtime
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Private URLs for Runtime for each region are as follows:
Using IBM Cloud service to access private endpoints
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Follow these steps to enable private network endpoints on your clusters:
Use IBM Cloud CLI to enable your account to use IBM Cloud service endpoints.
Provision a Runtime service instance with private endpoints.
Provisioning with service endpoints
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You can provision a Runtime service instance with service endpoint by using IBM Cloud UI or IBM Cloud CLI.
Provisioning a service endpoint with IBM Cloud UI
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To configure the endpoints of your IBM Runtime service instance, you can use the Endpoints field on the IBM Cloud catalog page. You can configure a public, private, or a mixed network.
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If you provision an IBM Runtime service instance by using the IBM Cloud CLI, use the command-line option service-endpoints to configure the Runtime endpoints. You can specify the value public (the default
value), private, or public-and-private: