Manage default settings

Last updated: Feb 14, 2025
Manage default settings

You can manage the global settings of your IBM Orchestration Pipelines such as a default error policy and default rules for node caching.

Global settings apply to all nodes in the pipeline unless local node settings overwrite them. To update global settings, click the gear icon on the toolbar. You can configure:

Setting global error policy

You can define the behavior of Pipelines when an error occurs.

  • Fail pipeline on error stops the flow and initiates an error-handling flow.
  • Continue pipeline on error tries to continue running the pipeline.

Error handling

You can configure the behavior of Pipelines for error handling.

  • Create custom-error handling response: Customize an error-handling response. Add an error handling node to the canvas so you can configure a custom error response. The response applies to all nodes that are configured to fail when an error occurs.
    • Show icon on nodes linked to error handling pipeline: An icon flags a node with an error to help debug the flow.

To learn more about error handling, see Managing pipeline errors

Setting node caches

Manual caching for nodes sets the default for how the pipeline caches and stores information. You can override these settings for individual nodes.

Default cache usage frequency

You can change the following cache settings:

Caching method

Choose whether to enable automatic caching for all nodes or choose to manually set cache conditions for specific nodes.

  • Enable automatic caching for all nodes (recommended)
    All nodes that support caching enable it by default. Setting Creation Mode or Copy Mode in your node's settings to Overwrite automatically disables cache, if the node supports these setting parameters.

  • Enable caching for specific nodes in the node properties panel
    In individual nodes, you can select Create data cache at this node in Output to allow caching for individual nodes. A save icon appears on nodes that uses this feature.

    Resetting the cache does not impact nested pipelines. For example, enabling Reset cache on a parent pipeline that references the child pipeline clears the cache for the parent pipeline only.

Cache usage

Choose the conditions for using cached data.

  • Do not use cache
  • Always use cache
  • Use cache when all selected conditions are met, options include:
    • Retrying from a previous failed run
    • Input values for the current pipeline are unchanged from previous run
    • Pipeline version is unchanged from previous run

To view and download your cache data, see Run tracker in your flow. You can download the results by opening a preview of the node's cache and clicking the download icon.

Resetting the cache

If your cache was enabled, you can choose to reset your cache when you run a Pipelines job. You can reset the cache automatically after running a Pipelines job or reset it manually:

- To reset the cache manually, open your Pipelines settings and click **Reset cache**.
- To reset the cache automatically after each run, you can select *Clear pipeline cache* in **Define run settings** as you click **Run again**. By choosing this option, you are overriding the default cache settings to reset the cache for the current run. 
However, the pipeline still creates cache for subsequent runs while cache is enabled.

Managing your Pipelines settings at the project level

Configure other global settings for your Pipelines asset from the Manage tab for a project. Project-level settings apply to all pipelines in the project unless they are overridden.


You can choose to enable or disable autosaving for your pipeline canvas. Only changes that impact core pipeline flow are saved. You can also adjust the variable for the frequency that your pipelines is saved at.

DataStage functions for Expression Builder

Select DataStage functions to enable DataStage functions in the Pipelines Expression Builder.

  • Toggle Shape nodes to change the appearance of the pipeline nodes. The nodes change to a shape that corresponds to their node type with the label beneath the node shape.
  • Select Enable DataStage functions in Expression Builder and support Pipelines download option to view the DataStage functions in the Expression Builder and download a pipeline that might include DataStage dependencies.

To learn more about the DataStage functions, see DataStage Functions that are used in Pipelines Expression Builder.


Note these restrictions for project-level settings:

  • Run (default Pipeline env) and Save frequency settings are not saved when the project is exported to a ZIP file. If you import the exported ZIP file into a new project, you must reconfigure these settings.

  • The default project-level setting applies only to projects. Settings such as custom environments are disabled when you promote a pipeline to a space. To use a custom pipeline environment in a space, you must configure a named environment for the space.

Parent topic: IBM Orchestration Pipelines