Managing compute resources

Last updated: Nov 21, 2024
Managing compute resources

If you have the Admin role or Editor in a project, you can perform management tasks for environments.

Stop active runtimes

You should stop all active runtimes when you no longer need them to prevent consuming extra capacity unit hours (CUHs).

Jupyter notebook runtimes are started per user and not per notebook. Stopping a notebook kernel doesn't stop the environment runtime in which the kernel is started because you could have started other notebooks in the same environment. You should only stop a notebook runtime if you are sure that no other notebook kernels are active.

Only runtimes that are started for jobs are automatically shut down after the scheduled job has completed. For example, if you schedule to run a notebook once a day for 2 months, the runtime instance will be activated every day for the duration of the scheduled job and deactivated again after the job has finished.

Project users with Admin role can stop all runtimes in the project. Users added to the project with Editor role can stop the runtimes they started, but can't stop other project users' runtimes. Users added to the project with the viewer role can't see the runtimes in the project.

You can stop runtimes from:

  • The Environment Runtimes page, which lists all active runtimes across all projects for your account, by clicking Administration > Environment runtimes from the Studio navigation menu.
  • Under Tool runtimes on the Environments page on the Manage tab of your project, which lists the active runtimes for a specific project.
  • The Environments page when you click the Notebook Info icon Notebook Info icon from the notebook toolbar in the notebook editor. You can stop the runtime under Runtime status.

Idle timeouts for:

Jupyter notebook idle timeout

Runtime idle times differ for the Jupyter notebook runtimes depending on your Studio plan.

Idle timeout for default CPU runtimes
Plan Idle timeout
Lite - Idle stop time: 1 hour
- CUH limit: 10 CUHs
Professional - Idle stop time: 1 hour
- CUH limit: no limit
Standard (Legacy) - Idle stop time: 1 hour
- CUH limit: no limit
Enterprise (Legacy) - Idle stop time: 3 hours
- CUH limit: no limit
All plans
Free runtime
- Idle stop time: 1 hour
- Maximum lifetime: 12 hours


Important: A runtime is started per user and not per notebook. Stopping a notebook kernel doesn't stop the environment runtime in which the kernel is started because you could have started other notebooks in the same environment. Only stop a runtime if you are sure that no kernels are active.

Spark idle timeout

All Spark runtimes, for example for notebook and Data Refinery, are stopped after 3 hours of inactivity. The Default Data Refinery XS runtime that is used when you refine data in Data Refinery is stopped after an idle time of 1 hour.

Spark runtimes that are started when a job is started, for example to run a Data Refinery flow or a notebook, are stopped when the job finishes.

GPU idle timeout

All GPU runtimes are automatically stopped after 3 hours of inactivity for Enterprise plan users and after 1 hour of inactivity for other paid plan users.

RStudio idle timeout

An RStudio is stopped for you after an idle time of 2 hours. During this idle time, you will continue to consume CUHs for which you are billed. Long compute-intensive jobs are hard stopped after 24 hours.

Parent topic: Projects