Note: You can use the same training data with one or more tuning experiments.
Data size
50 to 10,000 input and output example pairs. The maximum file size is 200 MB.
You use the Tuning Studio to create a tuned version of an existing foundation model.
Watch a video that explains when and why to tune a foundation model.
This video provides a visual method to learn the concepts and tasks in this documentation.
Foundation models are AI models that are pretrained on terabytes of data from across the internet and other public resources. They are unrivaled in their ability to predict the next best word and generate language. While language-generation can
be useful for brainstorming and spurring creativity, foundation models typically need to be guided to achieve concrete tasks. Model tuning, and other techniques, such as retrieval-augmented generation, help you to use foundation models in meaningful
ways for your business.
With the Tuning Studio, you can tune a smaller foundation model to improve its performance on natural language processing tasks such as classification, summarization, and generation. Tuning can help a smaller foundation model achieve results comparable
to larger models in the same model family. By tuning and deploying the smaller model, you can reduce long-term inference costs.
Much like prompt engineering, tuning a foundation model helps you to influence the content and format of the foundation model output. Knowing what to expect from a foundation model is essential if you want to plug the step of inferencing a foundation
model into a business workflow.
The following diagram illustrates how tuning a foundation model can help you guide the model to generate useful output. You provide labeled data that can include proprietary information which is unknown to the foundation model and that illustrates
the format and type of output that you want the model to return. Your examples give the foundation model a pattern to follow and apply to future output.
Instead of generalizing in traditional tasks such as text translation and text or answer generation, after you tune a foundation model, the output is more tailored to your needs.
Generated text or answers can follow a specific style
The tuned model can summarize or extract information in the way you want
With much smaller prompts, the tuned model can classify text effectively
Tuning a foundation model involves the following tasks:
Engineer prompts that work well with the model you want to use.
Tuning does not mean you can skip prompt engineering altogether. Experimentation is necessary to find the right foundation model for your use case. Experiment until you understand which prompt formats show the most potential for getting
good results from the model. You can use the Prompt Lab to submit test prompts. For help, see Prompt Lab.
Find the largest foundation model that works best for the task.
Create training data to use for model tuning.
Create a tuning experiment to tune the model.
Evaluate the tuned model.
If necessary, change the training data or the experiment parameters and run more experiments until you're satisfied with the results.
Deploy the tuned model.
Submit inference requests to the tuned model.
Foundation model tuning costs
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The cost of tuning a foundation model is measured in capacity unit hours, which measures the compute resource consumption of the tuning experiment. For more information, see Capacity Unit Hours metering.
The cost of inferencing a tuned model is measured in resource units. The rate depends on the model's billing class. A prompt-tuned foundation model has the same billing class as the foundation model that it tunes. For more information, see
Resource unit metering.