Determining your roles and permissions

Last updated: Nov 21, 2024
Determining your roles and permissions

You have multiple roles within IBM Cloud and Cloud Pak for Data as a Service that provide permissions. You can determine what each of your roles are, and, when necessary, who can change your roles.

Projects and catalogs roles

To determine your role in a project, deployment space, catalog, or category, look at the Access Control page on the Manage tab. Your role is listed next to your name or the service ID you use to log in.

The permissions that are associated with each role are specific to the type of workspace:

If you want a different role, ask someone who has the Admin role on the Access Control page to change your role.

IBM Cloud IAM account and service access roles

You can see your IAM account and service access roles in IBM Cloud.

To see your IAM account and service access roles in IBM Cloud:

  1. From the Cloud Pak for Data as a Service main menu, click Administration > Access (IAM).
  2. Click Users, then click your name.
  3. Click the Access policies tab. You might have multiple entries:
    • The All resources in account (including future IAM enabled services) entry shows your general roles for all services in the account.
    • The IBM Cloud Pak for Data entry shows your IBM Knowledge Catalog and Studio roles.
    • Other entries might show your roles for individual services.

If you want the IBM Cloud account administrator role or another role, ask an IBM Cloud account owner or administrator to assign it to you. You can find your account administrators on your Access (IAM) > Users page in IBM Cloud.

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Parent topic: Administration