Firewall access for Studio
Last updated: Nov 27, 2024
Firewall access for Studio

Inbound firewall access is granted to the Studio service by allowing the IP addresses for Cloud Pak for Data as a Service on IBM Cloud.

If Studio is installed behind a firewall, you must add the WebSocket connection for your region to the firewall settings. Enabling the WebSocket connection is required for notebooks and RStudio.

Following are the WebSocket settings for each region:

Location Region WebSocket
United States (Dallas) us-south wss://
Europe (Frankfurt) eu-de wss://
United Kingdom (London) eu-gb wss://
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) jp-tok wss://

Follow these steps to look up the IP addresses for Cloud Pak for Data as a Service and allow them on IBM Cloud:

  1. From the main menu, choose Administration > Cloud integrations.
  2. Click Firewall configuration to display the IP addresses for the current region. Use CIDR notation.
  3. Copy each CIDR range into the IP address restrictions for either a user or an account. You must also enter the allowed individual client IP addresses. Enter the IP addresses as a comma-separated list. Then, click Apply.
  4. Repeat for each region to allow access for Studio.

When you configure the allowed IP addresses for Studio, you include the CIDR ranges for the Studio cluster. You can also allow individual client system IP addresses.

For step-by-step instructions for both user and account restrictions, see IBM Cloud docs: Allowing specific IP addresses

Parent topic: Configuring firewall access