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Activity Tracker events
Last updated: Oct 09, 2024
Activity Tracker events

You can see the events for actions for your provisioned services in the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker. You can use the information that is registered through the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker service to identify security incidents, detect unauthorized access, and comply with regulatory and internal auditing requirements.

To get started, provision an instance of the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker service. See IBM Cloud Activity Tracker.

View events in the Activity Tracker in the same IBM Cloud region where you provisioned your services. To view the account and user management events and other global platform events, you must provision an instance of the IBM Cloud Activity Tracker service in the Frankfurt (eu-de) region. See Platform services.

Events for account and user management

You can audit account and user management events in Activity Tracker, including:

  • Billing events
  • Global catalog events
  • IAM and user management events

For the complete list of account and user management events, see IBM Cloud docs: Auditing events for account management.

Events for Watson Studio

Events in Activity Tracker for Watson Studio
Action Description
data-science-experience.project.create Create a project.
data-science-experience.project.delete Delete a project.
data-science-experience.notebook.create Create a Notebook.
data-science-experience.notebook.delete Delete a Notebook.
data-science-experience.notebook.update Change the runtime service of a Notebook by selecting another one.
data-science-experience.rstudio.start Open RStudio.
data-science-experience.rstudio.stop RStudio session timed out.

Events for Decision Optimization

Events in Activity Tracker for Decision Optimization
Action Description
domodel.decision.create Create experiments
domodel.decision.update Update experiments
domodel.decision.delete Delete experiments
domodel.container.create Create scenarios
domodel.container.update Update scenarios
domodel.container.delete Delete scenarios
domodel.notebook.import Update a scenario from a notebook
domodel.notebook.export Generate a model notebook from a scenario
domodel.wml.export Generate Watson Machine Learning models from a scenario
domodel.solve.start Solve a scenario
domodel.solve.stop Cancel a solve

Events for feature groups

Events in Activity Tracker for feature groups (Watson Studio)
Action Description
data_science_experience.feature-group.retrieve Retrieve a feature group
data_science_experience.feature-group.create Create a feature group
data_science_experience.feature-group.update Update a feature group
data_science_experience.feature-group.delete Delete a feature group

Events for asset management

Events in Activity Tracker for asset management in Watson Studio
Action Description
datacatalog.asset.clone Copy an asset.
datacatalog.asset.create Create an asset.
datacatalog.data-asset.create Create a data asset.
datacatalog.folder-asset.create Create a folder asset.
datacatalog.type.create Create an asset type.
datacatalog.asset.purge Delete an asset from the trash.
datacatalog.asset.restore Restore an asset from the trash.
datacatalog.asset.trash Send an asset to the trash.
datacatalog.asset.update Update an asset.
datacatalog.promoted-asset.create Create a project asset in a space.
datacatalog.promoted-asset.update Update a space asset that started in a project.
datacatalog.asset.promote Promote an asset from project to space.

Events for asset attachments

Events in Activity Tracker for attachments
Action Description
datacatalog.attachment.create Create an attachment.
datacatalog.attachment.delete Delete an attachment.
datacatalog.attachment-resources.increase Increase resources for an attachment.
datacatalog.complete.transfer Mark an attachment as transfer complete.
datacatalog.attachment.update Update attachment metadata.

Events for asset attributes

Events in Activity Tracker for attributes
Action Description
datacatalog.attribute.create Create an attribute.
datacatalog.attribute.delete Delete an attribute.
datacatalog.attribute.update Update an attribute.

Events for connections

Events in Activity Tracker for connections
Action Description
wdp-connect-connection.connection.read Read a connection.
wdp-connect-connection.connection.get Retrieve a connection.
wdp-connect-connection.connection.get.list Get a list of connections.
wdp-connect-connection.connection.create Create a connection.
wdp-connect-connection.connection.delete Delete a connection.

Events for scheduling

Events in Activity Tracker for scheduling
Action Description
wdp.scheduling.schedule.update.failed An update to a schedule failed.
wdp.scheduling.schedule.create.failed The creation of a schedule failed.
wdp.scheduling.schedule.read Read a schedule.
wdp.scheduling.schedule.update Update a schedule.
wdp.scheduling.schedule.delete.multiple Delete multiple schedules.
wdp.scheduling.schedule.list List all schedules.
wdp.scheduling.schedule.create Create a schedule.

Events for Data Refinery flows

Events in Activity Tracker for Data Refinery flows
Action Description
data-science-experience.datarefinery-flow.read Read a Data Refinery flow
data-science-experience.datarefinery-flow.create Create a Data Refinery flow
data-science-experience.datarefinery-flow.delete Delete a Data Refinery flow
data-science-experience.datarefinery-flow.update Update (save) a Data Refinery flow
data-science-experience.datarefinery-flow.backup Clone (duplicate) a Data Refinery flow
data-science-experience.datarefinery-flowrun.create Create a Data Refinery flow job run
data-science-experience.datarefinery-flowrun-complete.update Complete a Data Refinery flow job run
data-science-experience.datarefinery-flowrun-cancel.update Cancel a Data Refinery flow job run

Events for profiling

Events in Activity Tracker for profiling
Action Description
wdp-profiling.profile.start Initiate profiling.
wdp-profiling.profile.create Create a profile.
wdp-profiling.profile.delete Delete a profile.
wdp-profiling.profile.read Read a profile.
wdp-profiling.profile.list List the profiles of a data asset.
wdp-profiling.profile.update Update a profile.
wdp-profiling.profile.asset-classification.update Update the asset classification of a profile.
wdp-profiling.profile.column-classification.update Update the column classification of a profile.
wdp-profiling.profile.create.failed Profile could not be created.
wdp-profiling.profile.delete.failed Profile could not be deleted.
wdp-profiling.profile.read.failed Profile could not be read.
wdp-profiling.profile.list.failed Profiles could not be listed.
wdp-profiling.profile.update.failed Profile could not be updated.
wdp-profiling.profile.asset-classification.update.failed Asset classification of the profile could not be updated.
wdp-profiling.profile.column-classification.update.failed Column classification of the profile could not be updated.

Events for profiling options

Events in Activity Tracker for profiling options
Action Description
wdp-profiling.profile_options.create Create profiling options.
wdp-profiling.profile_options.read Read profiling options.
wdp-profiling.profile_options.update Update profiling options.
wdp-profiling.profile_options.delete Delete profiling options
wdp-profiling.profile_options.create.failed Profiling options could not be created.
wdp-profiling.profile_options.read.failed Profiling options could not be read.
wdp-profiling.profile_options.update.failed Profiling options could not be updated.
wdp-profiling.profile_options.delete.failed Profiling options could not be deleted.

Events for feature groups

Events in Activity Tracker for feature groups (Watson Knowledge Catalog)
Action Description
data_catalog.feature-group.retrieve Retrieve a feature group
data_catalog.feature-group.create Create a feature group
data_catalog.feature-group.update Update a feature group
data_catalog.feature-group.delete Delete a feature group

Events for Watson Machine Learning

Event for Prompt Lab

Event in Activity Tracker for Prompt Lab
Action Description
pm-20-stage.foundation_model.send Send a prompt to a foundation model for inferencing.

Events for Watson Machine Learning deployments

Events in Activity Tracker for Watson Machine Learning deployments
Action Description
pm-20.deployment.create Create a Watson Machine Learning deployment.
pm-20.deployment.read Get a Watson Machine Learning deployment.
pm-20.deployment.update Update a Watson Machine Learning deployment.
pm-20.deployment.delete Delete a Watson Machine Learning deployment.
pm-20.deployment_job.create Create a Watson Machine Learning deployment job.
pm-20.deployment_job.read Get a Watson Machine Learning deployment job.
pm-20.deployment_job.delete Delete a Watson Machine Learning deployment job.

Events for SPSS Modeler flows

Events in Activity Tracker for SPSS Modeler flows
Action Description
data-science-experience.modeler-session.create Create a new SPSS Modeler session.
data-science-experience.modeler-flow.send Store the current SPSS Modeler flow.
data-science-experience.modeler-flows-user.receive Get the current user information.
data-science-experience.modeler-flow-preview.create Preview a node in an SPSS Modeler flow.
data-science-experience.modeler-examples.receive Get the list of example SPSS Modeler flows.
data-science-experience.modeler-runtimes.receive Get the list of available SPSS Modeler runtimes.
data-science-experience.lock-modeler-flow.enable Allocate the lock for the SPSS Modeler flow to the user.
data-science-experience.project-name.receive Get the name of the project.

Event for model visualizations

Event in Activity Tracker for modeler visualizations
Action Description
pm-20.model.visualize Visualize model output. The model output can have a single model, ensemble models, or a time-series model. The visualization type can be single, auto, or time-series. This visualization type is in requestedData section.

Events for Watson Machine Learning training assets

Event in Activity Tracker for Watson Machine Learning training assets
Action Description
pm-20.training.authenticate Authenticate user.
pm-20.training.authorize Authorize user.
pm-20.training.list List all of training.
pm-20.training.get Get one training.
pm-20.training.create Start a training.
pm-20.training.delete Stop a training.

Events for Watson Machine Learning repository assets

The deployment events are tracked for these Watson Machine Learning repository assets:

Event in Activity Tracker for Watson Machine Learning repository assets
Asset type Description
wml_model Represents a machine learning model asset.
wml_model_definition Represents the code that is used to train one or more models.
wml_pipeline Represents a hybrid-pipeline, a SparkML pipeline or a sklearn pipeline that is represented as a JSON document that is used to train one or more models.
wml_experiment Represents the assets that capture a set of wml_pipeline or wml_model_definition assets that are trained at the same time on the same data set.
wml_function Represents a Python function (code is packaged in a compressed file) that will be deployed as online deployment in Watson Machine Learning. This code needs to contain a score(...) python function.
wml_training_definition Represents the training metadata necessary to start a training job.
wml_deployment_job_definition Represents the deployment metadata information to create a batch job in WML. This asset type contains the same metadata that is used by the /ml/v4/deployment_jobs endpoint. When you submit batch deployment jobs, you can either provide the job definition inline or reference a job definition in a query parameter.

These activities are tracked for each asset type:

Event in Activity Tracker for Watson Machine Learning repository assets
Action Description
pm-20.<asset_type>.list List all of the specified asset type.
pm-20.<asset_type>.create Create one of the specified asset types.
pm-20.<asset_type>.delete Delete one of the specified asset types.
pm-20.<asset_type>.update Update a specified asset type.
pm-20.<asset_type>.read View a specified asset type.
pm-20.<asset_type>.add Add a specified asset type.

Parent topic: Administration

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