Managing the user API key

Last updated: Feb 04, 2025
Managing the user API key

Certain operations in Cloud Pak for Data as a Service require an API key for secure authorization. You can generate and rotate a user API key as needed to help ensure your operations run smoothly.

User API key overview

Operations running within services in Cloud Pak for Data as a Service require credentials for secure authorization. These operations use an API key for authorization. A valid API key is required for the following long-running tasks:

  • Model training in Runtime
  • Problem solving with Decision Optimization
  • Data transformation with DataStage flows
  • Pipelines
  • Other runtime services that accept API key references

Both scheduled and ad hoc jobs require an API key for authorization. An API key is used for jobs when:

  • Creating a job schedule with a predefined key
  • Updating the API key for a scheduled job
  • Providing an API key for an ad hoc job

User API keys give control to the account owner to secure and renew credentials, thus helping to ensure operations run without interruption. Keys are unique to the IBMid and account. If you change the account you are working in, you must generate a new key.

Required roles
IAM Platform role: Admin or Account owner

Active and Phased out keys

When you create an API key, it is placed in Active state. The Active key is used for authorization for operations in Cloud Pak for Data as a Service.

When you rotate a key, a new key is created in Active state and the existing key is changed to Phased out state. A Phased out key is not used for authorization and can be deleted.

Viewing the current API key

Click your avatar and select Profile and settings to open your account profile. Select User API key to view the Active and Phased out keys.

Creating an API key

If you do not have an API key, you can create a key by clicking Create a key.

A new key is created in Active state. The key automatically authorizes operations that require a secure credential. The key is stored in both IBM Cloud and Cloud Pak for Data as a Service. You can view the API keys for your IBM Cloud account at API keys.

User API Keys take the form cpd-apikey-{username}-{timeStamp}, where username is the IBMid of the account owner and timestamp indicates when the key was created.

Rotating an API key

If the API key becomes stale or invalid, you can generate a new Active key for use by all operations.

To rotate a key, click on Profile and settings under your profile. Then click on the User API key tab. Click on Rotate.

A new key is created to replace the current key. The rotated key is placed in Phased out status. A Phased out key is not available for use.

Deleting a phased out API key

When you are certain the phased out key is no longer needed for operations, click the minus sign to delete it. Deleting keys might cause running operations to fail.

Deleting all API keys

Delete all keys (both Active and Phased out) by clicking the trash can. Deleting keys might cause running operations to fail.

Learn more

Parent topic: Administering your accounts and services