Sequence node
The Sequence node discovers patterns in sequential or
time-oriented data, in the format
. The elements of a sequence
are item sets that constitute a single transaction.bread -> cheese
For example, if a person goes to the store and purchases bread and milk and then a few days later returns to the store and purchases some cheese, that person's buying activity can be represented as two item sets. The first item set contains bread and milk, and the second one contains cheese. A sequence is a list of item sets that tend to occur in a predictable order. The Sequence node detects frequent sequences and creates a generated model node that can be used to make predictions.
Requirements. To create a Sequence rule set, you need to specify an ID field, an optional time field, and one or more content fields. Note that these settings must be made on the Fields tab of the modeling node; they cannot be read from an upstream Type node. The ID field can have any role or measurement level. If you specify a time field, it can have any role but its storage must be numeric, date, time, or timestamp. If you do not specify a time field, the Sequence node will use an implied timestamp, in effect using row numbers as time values. Content fields can have any measurement level and role, but all content fields must be of the same type. If they are numeric, they must be integer ranges (not real ranges).
Strengths. The Sequence node is based on the CARMA association rules algorithm, which uses an efficient two-pass method for finding sequences. In addition, the generated model node created by a Sequence node can be inserted into a data stream to create predictions. The generated model node can also generate supernodes for detecting and counting specific sequences and for making predictions based on specific sequences.