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JSON content model
Last updated: 06 февр. 2025 г.
The JSON content model is used to access content stored in JSON format. It provides a basic API to allow callers to extract values on the assumption that they know which values are to be accessed.
Method | Return types | Description |
getJSONAsString() |
String |
Returns the JSON content as a string. |
getObjectAt(<List of cbjecta> path, JSONArtifact artifact) throws
Exception |
Object |
Returns the object at the specified path. The supplied root artifact might be null, in which case the root of the content is used. The returned value can be a literal string, integer, real or boolean, or a JSON artifact (either a JSON object or a JSON array). |
getChildValuesAt(<List of object> path, JSONArtifact artifact) throws
Exception |
Hash table (key:object, value:object> |
Returns the child values of the specified path if the path leads to a JSON object or null otherwise. The keys in the table are strings while the associated value can be a literal string, integer, real or boolean, or a JSON artifact (either a JSON object or a JSON array). |
getChildrenAt(<List of object> path path, JSONArtifact artifact) throws
Exception |
List of objects |
Returns the list of objects at the specified path if the path leads to a JSON array or null otherwise. The returned values can be a literal string, integer, real or boolean, or a JSON artifact (either a JSON object or a JSON array). |
reset() |
void |
Flushes any internal storage associated with this content model (for example, a cached DOM object). |
Example script
If an output builder node creates output based on JSON format, you could use the following to access information about a set of books:
results = []
output = results[0]
cm = output.getContentModel("jsonContent")
bookTitle = cm.getObjectAt(["books", "ISIN123456", "title"], None)
# Alternatively, get the book object and use it as the root
# for subsequent entries
book = cm.getObjectAt(["books", "ISIN123456"], None)
bookTitle = cm.getObjectAt(["title"], book)
# Get all child values for aspecific book
bookInfo = cm.getChildValuesAt(["books", "ISIN123456"], None)
# Get the third book entry. Assumes the top-level "books" value
# contains a JSON array which can be indexed
bookInfo = cm.getObjectAt(["books", 2], None)
# Get a list of all child entries
allBooks = cm.getChildrenAt(["books"], None)