rfmanalysisnode properties

Last updated: Feb 11, 2025
rfmanalysisnode properties

RFM Analysis node iconThe Recency, Frequency, Monetary (RFM) Analysis node enables you to determine quantitatively which customers are likely to be the best ones by examining how recently they last purchased from you (recency), how often they purchased (frequency), and how much they spent over all transactions (monetary).


node = stream.create("rfmanalysis", "My node")
node.setPropertyValue("recency", "Recency")
node.setPropertyValue("frequency", "Frequency")
node.setPropertyValue("monetary", "Monetary")
node.setPropertyValue("tied_values_method", "Next")
node.setPropertyValue("recalculate_bins", "IfNecessary")
node.setPropertyValue("recency_thresholds", [1, 500, 800, 1500, 2000, 2500])
Table 1. rfmanalysisnode properties
rfmanalysisnode properties Data type Property description
recency field Specify the recency field. This may be a date, timestamp, or simple number.
frequency field Specify the frequency field.
monetary field Specify the monetary field.
recency_bins integer Specify the number of recency bins to be generated.
recency_weight number Specify the weighting to be applied to recency data. The default is 100.
frequency_bins integer Specify the number of frequency bins to be generated.
frequency_weight number Specify the weighting to be applied to frequency data. The default is 10.
monetary_bins integer Specify the number of monetary bins to be generated.
monetary_weight number Specify the weighting to be applied to monetary data. The default is 1.
tied_values_method Next Current Specify which bin tied value data is to be put in.
recalculate_bins Always IfNecessary  
add_outliers flag Available only if recalculate_bins is set to IfNecessary. If set, records that lie below the lower bin will be added to the lower bin, and records above the highest bin will be added to the highest bin.
binned_field Recency Frequency Monetary  
recency_thresholds value value Available only if recalculate_bins is set to Always. Specify the upper and lower thresholds for the recency bins. The upper threshold of one bin is used as the lower threshold of the next—for example, [10 30 60] would define two bins, the first bin with upper and lower thresholds of 10 and 30, with the second bin thresholds of 30 and 60.
frequency_thresholds value value Available only if recalculate_bins is set to Always.
monetary_thresholds value value Available only if recalculate_bins is set to Always.