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partitionnode properties

Last updated: Feb 11, 2025
partitionnode properties

Partition node iconThe Partition node generates a partition field, which splits the data into separate subsets for the training, testing, and validation stages of model building.


node = stream.create("partition", "My node")
node.setPropertyValue("create_validation", True)
node.setPropertyValue("training_size", 33)
node.setPropertyValue("testing_size", 33)
node.setPropertyValue("validation_size", 33)
node.setPropertyValue("set_random_seed", True)
node.setPropertyValue("random_seed", 123)
node.setPropertyValue("value_mode", "System")
Table 1. partitionnode properties
partitionnode properties Data type Property description
new_name string Name of the partition field generated by the node.
create_validation flag Specifies whether a validation partition should be created.
training_size integer Percentage of records (0–100) to be allocated to the training partition.
testing_size integer Percentage of records (0–100) to be allocated to the testing partition.
validation_size integer Percentage of records (0–100) to be allocated to the validation partition. Ignored if a validation partition is not created.
training_label string Label for the training partition.
testing_label string Label for the testing partition.
validation_label string Label for the validation partition. Ignored if a validation partition is not created.
value_mode System SystemAndLabel Label Specifies the values used to represent each partition in the data. For example, the training sample can be represented by the system integer 1, the label Training, or a combination of the two, 1_Training.
set_random_seed Boolean Specifies whether a user-specified random seed should be used.
random_seed integer A user-specified random seed value. For this value to be used, set_random_seed must be set to True.
enable_sql_generation Boolean Specifies whether to use SQL pushback to assign records to partitions.
unique_field   Specifies the input field used to ensure that records are assigned to partitions in a random but repeatable way. For this value to be used, enable_sql_generation must be set to True.