multiplotnode properties
Last updated: Feb 11, 2025
The Multiplot node creates a plot that displays multiple
fields over a single Y
field. The X
fields are
plotted as colored lines; each is equivalent to a Plot node with Style set to
Line and X Mode set to Sort. Multiplots are useful
when you want to explore the fluctuation of several variables over time.Y
stream =
typenode = stream.findByID("id42KW3MSA94B")
node = stream.create("multiplot", "My node"), node)
# "Plot" tab
node.setPropertyValue("x_field", "Age")
node.setPropertyValue("y_fields", ["Na", "K"])
node.setPropertyValue("panel_field", "Sex")
node.setPropertyValue("normalize", True)
node.setPropertyValue("use_overlay_expr", False)
node.setPropertyValue("overlay_expression", "test")
node.setPropertyValue("records_limit", 500)
node.setPropertyValue("if_over_limit", "PlotSample")
properties |
Data type | Property description |
field | |
list | |
field | |
field | |
flag | |
flag | |
string | |
number | |
flag | |
string | |
flag | |
string | |
flag | |
color | Standard graph colors are described at the beginning of this section. |
color | Standard graph colors are described at the beginning of this section. |
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