fillernode properties

Last updated: Feb 11, 2025
fillernode properties

Filler node iconThe Filler node replaces field values and changes storage. You can choose to replace values based on a CLEM condition, such as @BLANK(@FIELD). Alternatively, you can choose to replace all blanks or null values with a specific value. A Filler node is often used together with a Type node to replace missing values.


node = stream.create("filler", "My node")
node.setPropertyValue("fields", ["Age"])
node.setPropertyValue("replace_mode", "Always")
node.setPropertyValue("condition", "(\"Age\" > 60) and (\"Sex\" = \"M\"")
node.setPropertyValue("replace_with", "\"old man\"")
Table 1. fillernode properties
fillernode properties Data type Property description
fields list Fields from the dataset whose values will be examined and replaced.
replace_mode Always Conditional Blank Null BlankAndNull You can replace all values, blank values, or null values, or replace based on a specified condition.
condition string  
replace_with string