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propriétés de extensionimportnode
Dernière mise à jour : 07 oct. 2024
propriétés de extensionimportnode

Icône du noeud Importation d'extension Avec le noeud Importation d'extension, vous pouvez exécuter des scripts R ou Python for Spark pour l'importation des données.

Exemple Python for Spark

import modeler.api
stream = modeler.script.stream()
node = stream.create("extension_importer", "extension_importer")
node.setPropertyValue("syntax_type", "Python")

python_script = """
import spss.pyspark
from pyspark.sql.types import *

cxt = spss.pyspark.runtime.getContext()

_schema = StructType([StructField('id', LongType(), nullable=False), \
StructField('age', LongType(), nullable=True), \
StructField('Sex', StringType(), nullable=True), \
StructField('BP', StringType(), nullable=True), \
StructField('Cholesterol', StringType(), nullable=True), \
StructField('K', DoubleType(), nullable=True), \
StructField('Na', DoubleType(), nullable=True), \
StructField('Drug', StringType(), nullable=True)])

if cxt.isComputeDataModelOnly(): 
	df = cxt.getSparkInputData()
	if df is None:
		drugList=[(1,23,'F','HIGH','HIGH',0.792535,0.031258,'drugY'), \
		sqlcxt = cxt.getSparkSQLContext()
		rdd = cxt.getSparkContext().parallelize(drugList)
		print 'pyspark read data count = '+str(rdd.count())
		df = sqlcxt.createDataFrame(rdd, _schema)


node.setPropertyValue("python_syntax", python_script)

exemple R

node.setPropertyValue("syntax_type", "R")

R_script = """# 'JSON Import' Node v1.0 for IBM SPSS Modeler    
# 'RJSONIO' package created by Duncan Temple Lang - http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/RJSONIO
# 'plyr' package created by Hadley Wickham http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/plyr
# Node developer: Danil Savine - IBM Extreme Blue 2014  
# Description: This node allows you to import into SPSS a table data from  a JSON.
# Install function for packages       
packages <- function(x){
  x <- as.character(match.call()[[2]])
  if (!require(x,character.only=TRUE)){
#  packages
### This function is used to generate automatically the dataModel
getMetaData <- function (data) {
  if (dim(data)[1]<=0) {
    print("Warning : modelerData has no line, all fieldStorage fields set to strings")
    getStorage <- function(x){return("string")}
  } else {
    getStorage <- function(x) {
      res <- NULL
      #if x is a factor, typeof will return an integer so we treat the case on the side
      if(is.factor(x)) {
        res <- "string"
      } else {
        res <- switch(typeof(unlist(x)),
                      integer = "integer",
                      double = "real",
                      character = "string",
      return (res)
  col = vector("list", dim(data)[2])
  for (i in 1:dim(data)[2]) {
    col[[i]] <- c(fieldName=names(data[i]),
# From JSON to a list
txt <- readLines('C:/test.json')
formatedtxt <- paste(txt, collapse = '')
json.list <- fromJSON(formatedtxt)
  # Apply path to json.list
  if(strsplit(x='true', split='
  ' ,fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1]) {
    path.list <- unlist(strsplit(x='id_array', split=','))
    i = 1
      if(is.null(getElement(json.list, path.list[i]))){
         json.list <- json.list[[1]]
      json.list <- getElement(json.list, path.list[i])
      i <- i+1
# From list to dataframe via unlisted json
i <-1
filled <- data.frame()
while(i < length(json.list)+ 1){
  unlisted.json <- unlist(json.list[[i]])
  to.fill <- data.frame(t(as.data.frame(unlisted.json, row.names = names(unlisted.json))), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  filled <- rbind.fill(filled,to.fill)
  i <-  1 + i
# Export to SPSS Modeler Data
modelerData <- filled
modelerDataModel <- getMetaData(modelerData)


node.setPropertyValue("r_syntax", R_script)
Tableau 1. propriétés de extensionimportnode
extensionimportnodepropriétés Type de données Description de la propriété
syntax_type R Python Indiquez le script à exécuter : R ou Python (R est la valeur par défaut).
r_syntax chaîne Syntaxe du scriptage R à exécuter.
python_syntax chaîne Syntaxe du scriptage Python à exécuter.