dvcharts properties

Last updated: Feb 11, 2025
dvcharts properties

Charts node iconWith the Charts node, you can launch the chart builder and create chart definitions to save with your flow. Then when you run the node, chart output is generated.


dvcharts_node = modeler.script.stream().createAt("dvcharts", "Charts", 390, 262)
dvcharts_node.setPropertyValue("chart_definitions", [["pie", "Ricky", "{\"type\":\"pie\",\"title\":\"pt\",\"subtitle\":\"sub1\",\"footnote\":\"footnote1\",\"categoriesField\":\"Sex\",\"summaryMethod\":\"count\",\"valuesField\":\"Age\",\"pieStyle\":\"normal\",\"locale\":\"en\",\"showToolbox\":true,\"__version\":\"2.2\"}", ["Sex"]]])
Table 1. dvcharts properties
dvcharts properties Data type Property description
chart_definition list List of chart definitions, including chart type (string), chart name (string), chart template (string), and used fields (list of field names),