With the Charts node, you can launch the chart builder and create chart definitions to
save with your flow. Then when you run the node, chart output is generated.
The Charts node is available under the Graphs section on the node palette. After adding a Charts
node to your flow, double-click it to open the properties pane. Then click Launch Chart
Builder to open the chart builder and create one or more chart definitions to associate
with the node. See Visualizing your data for details about creating charts.Figure 1. Example charts
When you create a chart, it uses a sample of your data. After clicking Save and
close to save the chart definition and return to your flow, the Charts node will then
use all of your data when you run it.
Chart definitions are listed in the node properties panel, with icons available for editing them
or removing them.
When you right-click a Charts node to run it, the defined chart (or charts) is built and added
to the Outputs pane. Open the chart output to interact with it by hovering over it, zooming in or
out, or downloading the chart as an image file (.png).
When creating a chart, you can click Back to flow to close the chart
builder and return to your flow. But you can't run the Charts node until you save a chart
Scripting example
This example creates a Charts node and sets the chart