Selecting functions
Last updated: Feb 11, 2025
The function list displays all available SPSS Modeler functions and operators. Scroll to select a function from the list, or, for easier searching, use the drop-down list to display a subset of functions or operators. Available functions are grouped into categories for easier searching.
Most of these categories are described in the Reference section of the CLEM language description. For more information, see Functions reference.
The other categories are as follows.
- General Functions. Contains a selection of some of the most commonly-used functions.
- Recently Used. Contains a list of CLEM functions used within the current session.
- @ Functions. Contains a list of all the special
functions, which have their names preceded by an "@" sign. Note: The
functions require that the two field types are the same (for example, both Integer or both Long or both Real).@DIFF2(FIELD1,FIELD2)
- Database Functions. If the flow includes a database connection, this selection lists the functions available from within that database, including user-defined functions (UDFs). For more information, see Database functions.
- Database Aggregates. If the flow includes a database connection, this selection lists the aggregation options available from within that database. These options are available in the Expression Builder of the Aggregate node.
- Built-In Aggregates. Contains a list of the possible modes of aggregation that can be used.
- Operators. Lists all the operators you can use when building expressions. Operators are also available from the buttons in the center of the dialog box.
- All Functions. Contains a complete list of available CLEM functions.
Double-click a function to insert it into the expression field at the position of the cursor.
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