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Conventions in function descriptions
Last updated: Oct 09, 2024
Conventions and function descriptions (SPSS Modeler)

This page describes the conventions used throughout this guide when referring to items in a function.

Table 1. Conventions in function descriptions
Convention Description
BOOL A Boolean, or flag, such as true or false.
NUM, NUM1, NUM2 Any number.
REAL, REAL1, REAL2 Any real number, such as 1.234 or –77.01.
INT, INT1, INT2 Any integer, such as 1 or –77.
CHAR A character code, such as `A`.
STRING A string, such as "referrerID".
LIST A list of items, such as ["abc" "def"] or [A1, A2, A3] or [1 2 4 16].
ITEM A field, such as Customer or extract_concept.
DATE A date field, such as start_date, where values are in a format such as DD-MON-YYYY.
TIME A time field, such as power_flux, where values are in a format such as HHMMSS.

Functions in this guide are listed with the function in one column, the result type (integer, string, and so on) in another, and a description (where available) in a third column. For example, following is a description of the rem function.

Table 2. rem function description
Function Result Description
INT1 rem INT2 Number Returns the remainder of INT1 divided by INT2. For example, INT1 – (INT1 div INT2) * INT2.

Details on usage conventions, such as how to list items or specify characters in a function, are described elsewhere. See CLEM datatypes for more information.