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Trigonometric functions
Last updated: Oct 09, 2024
Trigonometric functions (SPSS Modeler)

All of the functions in this section either take an angle as an argument or return one as a result.

Table 1. CLEM trigonometric functions
Function Result Description
arccos(NUM) Real Computes the arccosine of the specified angle.
arccosh(NUM) Real Computes the hyperbolic arccosine of the specified angle.
arcsin(NUM) Real Computes the arcsine of the specified angle.
arcsinh(NUM) Real Computes the hyperbolic arcsine of the specified angle.
arctan(NUM) Real Computes the arctangent of the specified angle.
arctan2(NUM_Y, NUM_X) Real Computes the arctangent of NUM_Y / NUM_X and uses the signs of the two numbers to derive quadrant information. The result is a real in the range - pi < ANGLE <= pi (radians) – 180 < ANGLE <= 180 (degrees)
arctanh(NUM) Real Computes the hyperbolic arctangent of the specified angle.
cos(NUM) Real Computes the cosine of the specified angle.
cosh(NUM) Real Computes the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle.
pi Real This constant is the best real approximation to pi.
sin(NUM) Real Computes the sine of the specified angle.
sinh(NUM) Real Computes the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle.
tan(NUM) Real Computes the tangent of the specified angle.
tanh(NUM) Real Computes the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle.