Random functions
Last updated: Feb 12, 2025
Random functions (SPSS Modeler)

The functions listed on this page can be used to randomly select items or randomly generate numbers.

Table 1. CLEM random functions
Function Result Description
oneof(LIST) Any Returns a randomly chosen element of LIST. List items should be entered as [ITEM1,ITEM2,...,ITEM_N]. Note that a list of field names can also be specified.
random(NUM) Number Returns a uniformly distributed random number of the same type (INT or REAL), starting from 1 to NUM. If you use an integer, then only integers are returned. If you use a real (decimal) number, then real numbers are returned (decimal precision determined by the stream options). The largest random number returned by the function could equal NUM.
random0(NUM) Number This has the same properties as random(NUM), but starting from 0. The largest random number returned by the function will never equal NUM.