Functions reference

Last updated: Feb 11, 2025
Functions reference (SPSS Modeler)

This section lists CLEM functions for working with data in SPSS Modeler. You can enter these functions as code in various areas of the user interface, such as Derive and Set To Flag nodes, or you can use the Expression Builder to create valid CLEM expressions without memorizing function lists or field names.

Table 1. CLEM functions for use with SPSS Modeler data
Function Type Description
Information Used to gain insight into field values. For example, the function is_string returns true for all records whose type is a string.
Conversion Used to construct new fields or convert storage type. For example, the function to_timestamp converts the selected field to a timestamp.
Comparison Used to compare field values to each other or to a specified string. For example, <= is used to compare whether the values of two fields are lesser or equal.
Logical Used to perform logical operations, such as if, then, else operations.
Numeric Used to perform numeric calculations, such as the natural log of field values.
Trigonometric Used to perform trigonometric calculations, such as the arccosine of a specified angle.
Probability Returns probabilities that are based on various distributions, such as probability that a value from Student's t distribution is less than a specific value.
Spatial Used to perform spatial calculations on geospatial data.
Bitwise Used to manipulate integers as bit patterns.
Random Used to randomly select items or generate numbers.
String Used to perform various operations on strings, such as stripchar, which allows you to remove a specified character.
SoundEx Used to find strings when the precise spelling is not known; based on phonetic assumptions about how certain letters are pronounced.
Date and time Used to perform various operations on date, time, and timestamp fields.
Sequence Used to gain insight into the record sequence of a data set or perform operations that are based on that sequence.
Global Used to access global values that are created by a Set Globals node. For example, @MEAN is used to refer to the mean average of all values for a field across the entire data set.
Blanks and null Used to access, flag, and frequently fill user-specified blanks or system-missing values. For example, @BLANK(FIELD) is used to raise a true flag for records where blanks are present.
Special fields Used to denote the specific fields under examination. For example, @FIELD is used when deriving multiple fields.