Relationship terms in Knowledge Accelerators

Last updated: Jun 21, 2024
What are relationship terms in Knowledge Accelerators

A term, which is intended to represent any relationships that need to be recorded between Properties and Concepts, for example, Account Owner is a relationship between Customer and Customer Account.

A relationship can be either:
  • A property of a concept with a data type indicating it is a relationship.
  • A concept in its own right, especially where it has more properties that describe the relationship, for example date, restrictions, percentage of involvement in the relationship. In this case, the relationship to at least the two concepts can be made by either using the property mechanism that is described previously, or by directly relating the concepts.
Table 1. Examples of Relationship Terms
Industry Property name Description Primary category Cardinality Data type Is a part of Other related business terms Tag
Cross Industry Work Address Identifies an Address where the Individual performs activities that fulfill employment responsibilities ... Person    
  • Employment Record
  • Person
  • Work Assignment
Address relationship
Energy and Utilities Asset Maintainer The relationship between the asset and the organization that defines the asset maintainer. Asset 0..n Relationship Asset Common\Organization relationship
Financial Services Work Email Address Identifies an Email Address that is the Individual's work contact email address. Involved Party 0..1 Relationship Individual Email Address relationship
Healthcare Pharmacy Order Encounter The relationship between the encounter and the pharmacy order. Patient Medication 0..1 Relationship Pharmacy Order Encounter relationship
Insurance Birth place The identification of a place as the birth place of a person. Location 0..n Relationship Person Location\Place relationship