Alignment terms in Knowledge Accelerators
Last updated: Jun 21, 2024
A specific use of Term, which represents the various noun and noun phrases that occur within a particular standard or regulation.
An Alignment Term can be further sub-classified as follows :
- Term from document with a description
- Exact term from a document without a description
- Term that represents a grouping within a document
- Term that represents an element in regulatory report
- Term from document with a description
- This is a specific use of a business term which has its description provided in the source
document or regulation.
Table 1. Term from document with a description examples Industry Alignment Term name Description Primary category Is a type of Has a part of Tag Energy and Utilities Aggregate consumer information information that relates to a group or category of consumers, from which individual consumer identities have been removed, that is not linked or reasonably linkable to any consumer or household, including via a device. ... CCPA - SEC. 3. - 1798.140. CCPA - consumers
- household
- individual
- alignment term
Financial Services Unique identifier "Unique identifier" or "Unique personal identifier" a persistent identifier that can be used to recognize a consumer, a family, or a device that is linked to a consumer or family, over time and across different services, including, but not limited to, a device identifier; an Internet Protocol address; cookies, beacons, pixel tags, mobile ad identifiers, or similar technology; customer number, unique pseudonym, or user alias; ... CCPA - SEC. 3. - 1798.140. - customer number
- internet protocol address
- mobile ad identifiers
- unique personal identifier
- alignment term
Healthcare Biometric information An individual's physiological, biological or behavioral characteristics, including an individual's deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), that can be used, singly or in combination with each other or with other identifying data,... CCPA - SEC. 3. - 1798.140. CCPA - dna
- characteristics
- voiceprint
- alignment term
Insurance Deidentified information that cannot reasonably identify, relate to, describe, be capable of being associated with, or be linked, directly or indirectly, to a particular consumer, provided that a business that uses deidentified information:...
CCPA - SEC. 3. - 1798.140. - reidentify the information
- business processes
- inadvertent release of deidentified information
- technical safeguards
- deidentified information
- reidentification
- reidentify
- safeguards
- reidentification of the information
- alignment term
- Exact term from a document without a description
- This is a specific use of a business term which has been derived or extracted from a source
document or regulation without any associated description (except in the case of Industry Alignment
Vocabularies where no definition is provided or is derivable).
Table 2. Exact term from a document without a description examples Industry Alignment Term name Description Primary Category Is a type of Alternative Names Tag Cross Industry genetic data No definition supplied GDPR sensitive data - alignment term
Energy and Utilities consumers No definition supplied CCPA Document Terms - Aggregate consumer information
- Personal information
- Service provider
- alignment term
Financial Services rights of data subjects No definition supplied GDPR GDPR - data subject right
- rights and freedoms of data subjects
- rights and freedoms of natural persons
- rights and legitimate interests of data subjects
- alignment term
Healthcare dna No definition supplied Personal Data Biometric information - alignment term
Insurance approved certification mechanism No definition supplied GDPR credit risk rating grades - certification mechanism
- data protection certification mechanism
- alignment term
- Term that represents a grouping within a document
- A specific use of a business term which represents a higher level or root term in an Industry
Alignment Vocabulary.
Table 3. Term that represents a grouping within a document examples Industry Alignment Term name Description Primary Category Has a part of Tag Energy and Utilities BaseWork Common representation for work and work tasks. Work - priority rank
- priority justification
- statusKind
- kind (Work Kind)
- priority type
- alignment term
Financial Services Adjusted Collateral Amount [pr130] ... Using haircuts, banks are required to adjust both the amount of the exposure to the counterparty and the value of any collateral received in support of that counterparty to take account of possible future fluctuations in the value of either, occasioned by market movements. ... Basel Framework - Collateral Value
- Haircut For Collateral
- Haircut For Foreign Exchange
- alignment term
Healthcare Activity Any action that can, in the context of a study, experiment or a post-marketing investigation, be defined, planned, scheduled or performed. Activity Entity - DefinedActivity
- Experiment
- alignment term
Insurance Indicia Documentation to be retained upon identifying an entity. FATCA - Attorney
- Birth place
- Citizenship
- Residency address
- Telephone number
- alignment term
- Term that represents an element in regulatory report
- This is a specific use of a business term which represents an element in a regulatory
Table 4. Term that represents an element in regulatory report examples Industry Alignment Term name Description Primary Category Is a type of Tag Financial Services Average maturity Average maturity: the obligor maturity in years weighted by EAD; this parameter needs to be filled in only when it is used for the RWA calculation. Basel Disclosures - alignment term
Insurance Issuer Name Name of the issuer, defined as the entity that issues assets to investors, representing part of its capital, part of its debt, derivatives, etc. ... Asset Management Information on the assets held - alignment term
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