Installing the driver package on Mac OS X

Last updated: Mar 17, 2025
Installing the driver package on Mac OS X

You can install the Data Virtualization driver package on Mac OS X by using the script.

Before you begin

Before you try to connect to your Data Virtualization instance, verify that you have the prerequisites.


For a new installation

  1. Mount the disk image by double-clicking the macos_dsdriver.dmg file.

    A new Finder window opens with the contents of the disk image.

    If the Finder window does not open, double-click the macos_dsdriver icon on your desktop.

  2. In the Finder window, double-click the file.

    The driver package is installed in /Applications/dsdriver, which is the default location.

For updates to your existing driver package installation

  1. Back up current configuration files.
    1. Go the Applications/dsdriver/cfg folder.
    2. Copy the following files to a different folder.
      • db2cli.ini
      • db2dsdriver.cfg
  2. Right-click the dsdriver folder and click Move to Trash to remove the currently installed driver package.
  3. Install the new driver package as described in the For a new installation section:
    1. Mount the disk image by double-clicking the macos_dsdriver.dmg file.
    2. In the Finder window, double-click the file.
  4. Restore the configuration files:
    1. Copy the db2cli.ini and db2dsdriver.cfg files that you saved from step 3.b to the /Applications/dsdriver/cfg folder.

What to do next

To be able to connect your local applications or client tools to your Data Virtualization instance, configure your local environment.