Errors finding cache recommendations in Data Virtualization

Last updated: Mar 17, 2025
Errors finding cache recommendations in Data Virtualization

You get an error when you try to find recommendations.


You get the following error when you try to find recommendations:
Too many failures while evaluating recommendations : Aborting recommendation cycle


If too many of the queries that are used by the recommendation engine are no longer valid or if too many recommendation candidates cannot be created, the recommendation engine stops because the recommendations are no longer reliable and effective. Queries are most likely invalid because the referenced objects such as columns, tables, or schemas no longer exist. Check the logs of the caching service to determine the exact cause.

Resolving the problem

Try to change the recommendation engine configuration settings to select a narrow window of valid input queries. For example, by selecting only previous 1 day of query workload. The problem might auto-resolve in the next few days, as newer valid queries are run and older invalid queries slide out of the window.