Credential error message when you remove a virtualized table in object storage

Last updated: Mar 17, 2025
Credential error message when you remove a virtualized table in object storage

In Data Virtualization, when you try to remove a virtualized table in object storage after the connection to the data source was removed, an error occurs.


For example, you might see an error message that is similar to the following error message in the web client.

The <table name> cannot be removed.

A detailed error that is similar to the following message is available in the log files.

The statement failed because a Big SQL component encountered an error. Component receiving the error: "DDL". Component returning the error: "HIVE". Log entry identifier: "[BSL-0-1be1bf7a]". Reason: "Unable to load credentials from envir".. SQLCODE=-5105, SQLSTATE=58040, DRIVER=4.29.24

Resolving the problem

The error message indicates that when Data Virtualization performs a DROP TABLE statement for a virtualized table in object storage, the underlying Hive system must have access to the credentials. However, if the connection to the data source was removed, the credentials are not available, and the DROP fails.

Virtualized tables in object storage must be removed before you remove the associated connection to the data source in object storage. If the connection was removed, re-enable the connection, remove all the associated tables, and then remove the connection.