Cannot enforce policies and data protection rules in Data Virtualization

Last updated: Nov 26, 2024
Cannot enforce policies and data protection rules in Data Virtualization

Policies and data protection rules are not enforced in Data Virtualization.


You enabled policy enforcement but policies and data protection rules are not being enforced in Data Virtualization.

Resolving the problem

To solve this issue, follow these steps.
  1. Click Catalogs > All catalogs.
  2. Select your catalog and click Browse Assets.
  3. Open the Data Virtualization connection asset and select the Asset tab.
  4. Edit the connection by pressing Click here to edit connection.
  5. Check the connection details to ensure that the Instance ID field is correctly specified and does not contain any blank spaces.
  6. Check that your virtual object is published to a governed catalog and that your rules apply to the corresponding virtual data asset in the catalog.

    Assets that are added by using the Data discovery option, and that are tagged as an info_asset are not supported. Ensure that the asset is created from the Data Virtualization connection type by selecting the data asset in the catalog and clicking Activities > Created from.

  7. If you find an error in the Instance ID field, re-create all data assets that you added by using the Data Virtualization connection.
After you re-create these data assets, policies and data protection rules are properly enforced in Data Virtualization.