Cannot delete schemas or virtual objects in Data Virtualization
Last updated: Mar 17, 2025
You get an error or a message about dependent objects when you try to delete a schema or virtual object in Data Virtualization.
You might see the following error message when you try to delete a schema or a virtual object in
Data Virtualization.
SQL0672N Operation DROP not allowed on table "CACHESYS.DVxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Or, you might see a message to remove dependent objects when you try to
delete a virtual object in Data Virtualization. The message indicates that a Materialized Query
Table (MQT) or cache exists for the virtual object that you are trying to delete. You must delete
all active MQTs in the cache dashboard before you can delete the virtual object. For example, you
might see a message similar to the following message.
Remove virtual object DV20220423223832708933 and DV20220426021358834162_B depend on this virtual object. You must remove all dependent objects to delete this object.
A data cache is associated with the schema or virtual object that you want to delete.
Resolving the problem
To solve this issue, you must delete the cache that is mentioned in the error message before you
can delete the schema or virtual objects. To delete the cache, follow these steps.
- On the navigation menu, click .
- On the service menu, click .
- Click Delete the action menu of the cache.
Note: The Cache management page is available to Data Virtualization
Administrators only. If you do not have this role, contact a Data Virtualization Administrator.
Send error message information and the name of the table that you are trying to delete.
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