Data types STRING, TEXT, and VARCHAR in Snowflake tables are assigned CLOB data type in Data Virtualization
When you virtualize tables in a Snowflake data source, Data Virtualization converts data with types STRING, TEXT, and VARCHAR to type CLOB instead of type VARCHAR when they exceed the maximum string length.
When you virtualize a Snowflake table that contains data types STRING, TEXT, and VARCHAR that exceed the default maximum string length of 32 K for the MaxStringSize parameter, the data type of the column is converted to CLOB.
Snowflake designates a maximum length of 16,777,216 for STRING, TEXT, and VARCHAR types if the maximum length is not user-defined. Therefore, Data Virtualization virtualizes the data type to a specific length to avoid truncation. However, you can adjust the maximum string length of these data types to avoid conversion to CLOB by setting the string size to a value less than 32 K.
The following example is from a Snowflake table with strings where you can adjust the column type to a length suitable for aggregation.
Data type Column Column name schema Data type name Length Scale Nulls ------------------------------- --------- ------------------- ---------- ----- ------ c1 SYSIBM INTEGER 4 0 Yes c_chr5 SYSIBM CHARACTER 5 0 Yes c_vchr10 SYSIBM VARCHAR 10 0 Yes c_str SYSIBM CLOB 65535 0 Yes 4 record(s) selected.
select "c_str", sum("c1") from TESTDATA.BASIC_STRING group by "c_str";
SQL0134N Improper use of a string column, host variable, constant, or function "c_str". SQLSTATE=42907
Resolving the problem
is used but you can pick
what is appropriate for the maximum length of your
data.alter nickname TESTDATA.BASIC_STRING alter column "c_str" local type VARCHAR(200);
select "c_str", sum("c1") from TESTDATA.BASIC_STRING group by "c_str";
c_str 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- 112 382 something a little longer to test string, where we do support pushdown for aggregation 244 a 126 9995-12-31 23:59:59.999999 124 A STRING 118 - 114 0005-01-01 00:00:00.000001 122 8 record(s) selected.