Reveal hidden tables when you virtualize in Data Virtualization

Last updated: Mar 17, 2025
Reveal hidden tables when you virtualize in Data Virtualization

The Virtualize > Tables page automatically excludes tables from the system, tools, and application schemas of the remote sources. You can override this default by specifying a list of schemas to reveal.


The Virtualize page does not show tables from system, known tools, or application schemas.

Resolving the problem

  1. Use the CALL DVSYS.LISTRDBCDETAILS API to determine the CID and DV agent name, labeled GDB_NODE in the result output, under which you want to reveal some schemas (groupings of tables).
  2. In the SQL editor, reveal schemas by using the following example API invocation.

    Substitute your own details for:

    • <cid>
    • <agent_name>
    • <schema_names>, a comma-separated list of schema names.
    CALL DVSYS.SETCONFIGPROPERTY('RELOADTABLES_SCHEMAS_REVEALED_<cid>', '<schema_names>', '<agent_name>', ?, ?)

    See the following example.