Finding cache recommendations for queries in Data Virtualization

Last updated: Mar 17, 2025
Finding cache recommendations in Data Virtualization

Data Virtualization Managers can find cache recommendations to improve query performance.

Before you begin

You must have the Data Virtualization Admin role to find cache recommendations.


  1. Go to Data > Data virtualization > Virtualization > Cache management.
  2. In the Recommended data caches tab, select Find recommendations to view a list of data cache recommendations.
    Note: The recommendation engine analyzer candidate data caches and displays the recommendations on a continuously updated dashboard. The time it takes the engine to generate the recommendations vary depending on the number of candidate data caches and queries.
  3. Optional: To view recommendations for deactivating or deleting existing data caches based on cache usage history and cache storage space, select Active caches and Inactive caches.
  4. Click Add cache in the Recommendation column to add this cache.
  5. Optional: To view a list of matched queries from a specific cache, click on the Matched queries column from Find recommendations. A matched query is when Data Virtualization determined that the cache matched with the selected queries. For more information on matched queries, see Adding data caches.