setCosConn stored procedure
Last updated: Mar 17, 2025
Defines a cloud object storage connection in Data Virtualization. The schema is DVSYS.
Input parameters
- object_store_type
- The type of this required parameter is VARCHAR(20). The object storage types that Data Virtualization supports include 'ADLS', 'AWS3', 'CEPH', 'IBMCOS' and 'MINIO'.
- endpoint_URL
- The type of this required parameter is VARCHAR(32672). Specifies the endpoint URL of the object storage. For example, ''.
- bucket
- The type of this optional parameter is VARCHAR(32672). Specifies a bucket name for the endpoint. If this parameter is omitted, it indicates a global connection. You can specify one global connection per Data Virtualization instance.
- access_key
- The type of this required parameter is VARCHAR(32672). Specifies the access key for the object storage.
- secret_key
- The type of this required parameter is VARCHAR(32672). Specifies the secret key for the object storage.
- SSL_certificate
- This parameter is not supported.
- additional_properties_for_common_connectivity
- The type of this optional parameter is VARCHAR(32672).
- additional_options
- The type of this optional parameter is VARCHAR(32672). Specifies a comma-delimited list of extra
parameters in the following format:
. Supported options include EDITCID (change properties for a given CID) and CCID (provide a common connectivity ID).'<key1>=<value1>, <key2>=<value2>, ...'
Output parameters
- connection_ID
- The type of this parameter is VARCHAR(20). Represents the generated connection ID for Data Virtualization.
- diagnostics
- The type of this parameter is VARCHAR(32672). Represents diagnostic output if a failure occurs.
Use the following syntax and replace the parameters below for this stored
call DVSYS.setcosconn('<object_store_type>', '<endpoint_URL>', '<bucket>', '<access_key>', '<secret_key>', null, <additional_properties_for_common_connectivity>, <additional_options>, ?, ?)
call DVSYS.setcosconn('AWS3', '', 'myNewBucket', '<ACCESS_KEY>', '<SECRET_KEY>', null, null, null, ?, ?)
The output might look like the following
Value of output parameters -------------------------- Parameter Name : CONNECTIONID Parameter Value : AWS310001 Parameter Name : DIAGS Parameter Value : - Return Status = 0
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