setRdbcX stored procedure (Variation 1)
Last updated: Nov 26, 2024
Defines a new data source connection on one or more endpoint nodes. This variation is intended for use with URL-based parameters. The schema is DVSYS.
Input parameters
- driver
- The type of this required parameter is VARCHAR(128). Specifies the data source driver class.
- The type of this required parameter is VARCHAR(2000). Specifies the data source connection URI.
- user
- The type of this optional parameter is VARCHAR(128). Specifies a data source username.
- password
- The type of this unencrypted optional parameter is VARCHAR(128). Specifies a data source password.
- trust_store_location
- The type of this optional parameter is VARCHAR(128). Specifies a placeholder in the URI for the actual location of the truststore that contains the certificate.
- SSL_certificate
- The type of this optional parameter is VARCHAR(32672). Specifies a data source server certificate, if required.
- driver_ID
- The type of this optional parameter is VARCHAR(128). Specifies the driver ID to use when you request a driver download from the API server.
- node_name
- The type of this required parameter is VARCHAR(32672). Specifies the names of the nodes on which the data source is defined.
- additional_options
- The type of this optional parameter is VARCHAR(32672). Specifies a comma-delimited list of extra
parameters in the following format:
. Supported options include EDITCID, DRIVERID, and JWTTOKEN. If you specify EDITCID, existing connection information is replaced with the new information that you provide. For example:'<key1>=<value1>, <key2>=<value2>, ...'
DRIVERID (the ID of the driver that is to be downloaded) and JWTTOKEN (the Java web token) are used together when these parameters are set. The connector/endpoint downloads the driver from the DVSYS.setRdbcX('old_dsDriver', 'old_dsUrl', 'old_usr', 'newP@ssw0rd', '', '', '', 'NodeIdForMyDB2', 'EDITCID=MYSQL11941', ?, ?, ?)
Output parameters
- connection_ID
- The type of this parameter is VARCHAR(20). Represents the generated connection ID for Data Virtualization.
- number_of_defined_connections
- The type of this parameter is INTEGER. Represents the total number of added connections.
- diagnostics
- The type of this parameter is VARCHAR(32672). Represents diagnostic output if a failure occurs.
call DVSYS.setRdbcX('', 'jdbc:ibm:oracle://;', '<username>', '<password>', null, null, '', 'qpendpoint_1:6415', '', ?, ?, ?)"
If you want to edit a data source with a new password, you can use the
additional_options parameter with EDITCID.
call DVSYS.setRdbcX('', 'jdbc:ibm:oracle://;', '<username>', '<new_password>', null, null, '', 'qpendpoint_1:6415', 'EDITCID=ORAC003', ?, ?, ?)"
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