Managing access to virtual objects in Data Virtualization

Last updated: Mar 17, 2025
Managing access to virtual objects in Data Virtualization

Users that have the Data Virtualization Manager and Engineer roles can grant access to specific virtual objects for other users in Data Virtualization. Only Data Virtualization Stewards have access to all virtual objects in Data Virtualization.

About this task

To manage user access to virtual objects, complete the following steps.


  1. On the navigation menu, click Data > Data virtualization to reveal the service menu.
    The service menu opens to the Data sources page by default.
  2. On the service menu, click Virtualization > Virtualized data.
    You can see a list of virtual objects that you can access.
  3. In the overflow menu, click Manage access for the virtual object that you want to manage.
  4. To grant access to specific users, select Specific users. In the Users tab, follow these steps.
    Note: The list of users that you can grant access to includes only users with the Engineer or User role because Data Virtualization Managers and Stewards have access to all virtual objects in Data Virtualization.
    1. Click Grant access.
    2. Select the checkbox for the username that you want to grant access to the virtual object.
    3. Click Grant access.
  5. To remove a user's access to virtual objects, select Specific users. In the Users tab, follow these steps.
    1. Select the checkbox for the username that you want to remove access to the virtual object.
    2. Click Revoke to remove the user's access to Data Virtualization.
  6. To grant access to user roles, click Specific users. In the Roles tab, follow these steps.
    1. Click Grant access.
    2. Select the checkbox for the Data Virtualization role that you want to grant access to the virtual object.
    3. Click Add roles.
  7. To grant all Data Virtualization users access to a virtual object, follow these steps.
    1. Select All data virtualization users.
    2. Click Grant access to all when prompted to confirm the action.
      Ensure that the virtual object does not contain sensitive personal information.
  8. To view a list of permissions that were explicitly granted to or inherited by the user role, follow these steps.
    1. On the service menu, click User management > Roles.
    2. Click Manage access of the user role.
      • In the Granted access tab, you can see virtual objects to which the user role was explicitly granted access.
      • In the Inherited access tab, you can see virtual objects that the user role can access with inherited permissions. Access can be inherited from virtual objects that are publicly available to all users.