Monitoring integrated databases in Data Virtualization
Last updated: Nov 26, 2024
Monitoring integrated databases in Data Virtualization

You can use the Db2® Data Management Console to monitor integrated databases.


To monitor integrated databases, follow these steps.

  1. On the navigation menu, click Data > Data virtualization

    The service menu opens to the Data sources page by default.

  2. Click Monitor dashboard > Summary to get an overview of the Data Virtualization service health, based on the following metrics:
    Metric Description
    Availability Indicates whether the service is up or down and the history of availability.
    Responsiveness Indicates whether the system is responding well to the incoming requests.
    Throughput Indicates how much workload the system is handling.
    Resource usage Indicates the resource usage of the service in terms of CPU, memory, storage, and log space.
    Time spent Indicates the percentage of time that is taken for service calls.
    Contention Indicates that the number of lock waits in the last hour and the number of concurrent connections.
  3. Click Monitor dashboard > Alerts to access the Notification center.

    You can view and filter alerts for Data Virtualization. To set up custom alerts, see 10.

  4. Click Monitor dashboard > Database to get performance data about your database based on the following metrics
    Menu option Description
    Database time spent Indicates the percentage of time that is taken for database calls.
    Database usage Indicates the resource usage of the database in terms of CPU, memory, storage, and log space.
  5. Click Monitor dashboard > Statement to get performance data about queries executed in Data Virtualization, based on the following metrics:

    Menu option Description
    In-flight executions See a list of the SQL statements that are currently running or that ran recently on Data Virtualization.

    You can use these metrics to identify costly or long running statements. You can cancel individual statements or disconnect a user or application when the statement needs to be stopped.

    Individual executions Displays the details of running SQL statements as system activity.
    Package cache See information about statements that previously ran on Data Virtualization. For example, you can see the number of executions and the total amount of CPU used for these executions.

    You can use these metrics to identify statements that use a disproportionate amount of system resources.

    Stored procedures Displays the aggregated execution metrics for procedures, external procedures, compiled functions, external functions, compiled triggers, and anonymous blocks invoked since the service was activated in Db2 Data Management Console.
  6. Click Monitor dashboard > Applications to get an overview of the service usage, based on the following metrics:

    Option Description
    Top consumers Displays the top consumers of the system resources.
    Connections See the different users or applications that have open connections to the service. A user or application can open multiple connections.

    You can use these metrics to find the source of disruptive behavior.

  7. Click Monitor dashboard > Throughput to get an overview of query performance, based on the following metrics:

    Option Description
    Connection summary Displays a summary of all connections established to the console.
    Partition summary Displays the information for each data partition used by Data Virtualization.
    WLM workload summary Represents the accumulation of all metrics for requests that were submitted by connections, and were mapped to the identified workload objects. This metric is based on Workload Manager.
    WLM service class summary Represents the accumulation of all metrics for requests that have executed under the indicated service subclass.
  8. Click Monitor dashboard > I/O to get an overview of input/output for each data partition, based on the following metric:

    Option Description
    Buffer pools Data Virtualization uses the Db2 buffer pools to store cached data and to improve service performance. Adequate buffer pool size is essential for good service performance because it reduces the disk I/O, which uses a considerable amount of time.
    Prefetchers Data Virtualization uses Db2 prefetching to retrieve one or more pages from disk in the expectation that they will be required by an application.

    You can monitor prefetch ratios, wait time, asynchronous reads per minute, and more. Prefetching index and data pages into the buffer pool can help to improve performance by reducing I/O wait times. In addition, parallel I/O enhances prefetching efficiency.

    Logging performance You can monitor logging statistics for each database.
  9. Click Monitor dashboard > Storage to get an overview of storage, based on the following metrics:

    Option Description
    Table performance You can use this page to see performance data for each table or each schema.
    Storage You can use this page to see storage data for each table or each schema.
    Table space performance You can use this page to see performance data for each table space.
  10. Click Settings to get information about the following profiles:

    Required role: To access these profiles, you must have the Data Virtualization Admin role.
    Option Description
    Monitoring profile You can use this page to configure general monitor settings to collect data for your Data Virtualization connection.

    You can also create custom alerts using SQL scripts and schedule them to run at a specific time.

    Event monitor profile Displays the information about the profile created to monitor specific event types that occur on Data Virtualization.