Manually starting the Data Virtualization Remote Agent on Linux

Last updated: Mar 17, 2025
Manually starting the Data Virtualization Remote Agent on Linux

Manually start the Data Virtualization Remote Agent for immediate use.

About this task

The following steps allow you to manually start the Remote Agent. By using this method, the Remote Agent does not restart automatically when your system is restarting.
Note: The installation prefix for IBM Java and Data Virtualization Remote Agent in the examples is /home/<Operating system user>/wqAgent.


  1. Change to the installation directory where the Remote Agent was configured.
  2. Run the following command on Linux®:
    nohup ./ &> wqagent.log &
  3. To validate and view that the Remote Agent is running, navigate to the Data Sources page from the Data Virtualization web client. Each connected remote connector is displayed on a new line.

What to do next

Create a data source connection in Data Virtualization using a Remote Agent. For more information, see Create a data source connection in Data Virtualization using a Remote Agent.