Deploying the Data Virtualization Remote Agent on Linux

Last updated: Mar 27, 2025
Deploying the Data Virtualization Remote Agent on Linux

Deploy the Data Virtualization Remote Agent on Linux®.

Before you begin

You must have command-line access to the remote server where the Data Virtualization Remote Agent is going to be deployed.
Note: If you are using the Remote Agent to virtualize files on the remote server, then OS user restrictions apply. Also, running the Remote Agent with low privileges might limit its access to certain files on the disk.


  1. Download and install the Java Runtime Environment from IBM® Java Semeru Certified Java 21 from IBM Semeru Runtimes Downloads. Take a note of the installation path to complete the next steps.
  2. Download and install the IBM Data Virtualization Remote Agent from IBM Data Virtualization Remote Agent.
  3. Create the installation directory where you want the software to be installed and specify the operating system user that is running the Remote Agent process.
    Note: Ensure that the user who runs the remote agent has Read, Write, and Run permissions on the directory.
  4. As the operating system user, change to the newly created directory and extract the Data Virtualization Remote Agent archive.
  5. Replace the parameters in this configuration command with the appropriate values from the following table, and then run it.
    JAVA_HOME=”<Path to Java>” JAVA_OPTS=”<Additional Java Options>” ./ -i <Instance ID> -c <Configuration Hash>
    For example:
    JAVA_HOME=/home/<Operating system user>/ibm-java-x86_64-80/jre JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx2g" ./ -i pre5efba-9f80-4678-979f-d6e776724bcd -c Tm2IdX1tf20...
    Table 1. Parameters and parameter values that you use to deploy the Remote Agent on Linux
    Parameter Parameter values
    Path to Java

    Enter the file system path to the Java Runtime Environment directory. The default system path is taken from the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

    Java Options

    Enter Java Options for memory configuration or proxy support.

    To increase the memory configuration of the agent from 512 Mb to 2 Gb, enter JAVA_OPTS=”-Xmx2g”.

    Instance ID Enter the Instance ID from the Output values column. See Generating the configuration for the Data Virtualization Remote Agent.
    Configuration Hash Enter the Configuration Hash from the Output values column. See Generating the configuration for the Data Virtualization Remote Agent.
    • Optional: To allow the remote agent to access a Kerberos enabled data source, complete the following steps. For more information, see Kerberos authentication on Cloud for Data Virtualization.
      1. Open the datavirtualization.env file with your preferred text editor.
      2. Add the following line to the file, and replace <File path to the krb5.conf> with the path to the krb5.conf file.
        export KRB5_CONF_FILE=<File path to the krb5.conf>
        For example:
        export KRB5_CONF_FILE=/etc/krb5.conf
    The command is successful if no error is reported in the command output, similar to the following output. If you encounter an error, additional information about the error can be found in the file sysroot/Queryplex_config.log.
    [root@bdvfvt1 wqaasAgent123_wf_bb0b500e]# JAVA_HOME=~/ibm-java-x86_64-80/jre ./ -i bb0a500e-1958-4fb5-9939-ac0db22570d0 -c BEn6fX1tf20KAQAQOk07XiTVt/AKVURJUZVJ7rq52DEdSifaHG8rWwjhqKE/bsCUEcorH7KKclo+OC1sOks7
    Preparing to configure the Data Virtualization agent for Instance ID bb0a541e-1958-4fb5-9939-ac0db22570d0
    [root@bdvfvt1 wqaasAgent123_wf_bb0a500e]#

What to do next

After you deploy the Remote Agent, proceed to start the agent manually for immediate use or configure it as a system service to start automatically.

To manually start the agent, see Manually starting the Remote Agent on Linux.

To automatically start the agent, see Automatically start the Remote Agent by adding a systemctl service on Linux.