Optional: Setting up access to the Data Virtualization Remote Agent with Secure Gateway
Last updated: Nov 26, 2024
Optional: Setting up access to the Data Virtualization Remote Agent with Secure Gateway

Provision an instance of the Secure Gateway service on IBM Cloud.

About this task

Secure Gateway for IBM Cloud allows the Data Virtualization service to establish a connection with the Remote Agent.
Note: Secure Gateway is deprecated. For more information, see Deprecation details.


  1. In the Secure Gateway web client, create a gateway by clicking Add Gateway.
    For more information, see Adding a Gateway.
  2. Select the Destinations tab, and then select the plus icon "+" to create a destination for the Remote Agent hostname and the data port, then complete the following steps.
    1. Enter the hostname from where the Data Virtualization connector is going to run.
    2. Enter the exposed network Data port number on the host for use by the Data Virtualization remote connector as listed in the port table.
    3. Set the destination protocol to TCP.
    4. Set the resource authentication to None.
      Note: Do not use TLS or Resource Mutual Authentication under the TLS Options tab. The Data Virtualization Remote Agent employs its own authenticated SSL encryption of the data and does not need the Secure Gateway service to provide encryption.
    For more information, see Adding a Destination.
  3. Select the gear icon to determine the exposed Cloud hostname:port.
  4. Select Clients > Connect Client and then select the Secure Gateway client.
    To deploy a Secure Gateway client, see Adding a Client.
    Note: When you deploy the Secure Gateway client, you might need to provide an access control specification the client can connect to the Data Virtualization Remote Agent. See ACL File.