Enabling and disabling pass-through authentication in Data Virtualization

Last updated: Mar 17, 2025
Enabling and disabling pass-through authentication in Data Virtualization

Pass-through authentication is enabled by default in Data Virtualization, allowing your users to use their own personal platform connection credentials when they import and use connections to data sources. You can disable and re-enable pass-through authentication according to your preferences.

Before you begin

Pass-through authentication with the use of personal credentials in Data Virtualization is available only as an early preview. Do not use this feature in production environments.

To complete this task, you must be the user that provisioned this service instance or have the Data Virtualization Admin role. For more information, see dv_user_management.html#dv-manage-users__dv-roles.

For more information about using pass-through authentication, see Adding data source connections to Data Virtualization to connect with personal credentials.

In addition, you need access to the OpenShift® container to run commands. You can access the OpenShift container by completing one of the following set of steps.
  • If you installed the OpenShift CLI, complete the following steps:
    1. Log in to the OpenShift Cluster.
    2. Access bash as the db2uadm user by running this bash command:
      oc rsh c-db2u-dv-db2u-0 bash
    3. Switch the user to db2inst1 by running this bash command:
      su - db2inst1
  • If you access bash as the db2uadm user through the pod user interface, switch the user to db2inst1 by running the following command:
    su - db2inst1


  • To disable pass-through authentication, run the following command inside the OpenShift container:
    db2set -im DB2_DV_TOGGLES= 
  • To re-enable pass-through authentication so that your users can run queries that use their personal credentials, run the following command inside the OpenShift container: