Enabling and disabling fetch phase warnings and errors in Data Virtualization

Last updated: Mar 17, 2025
Enabling and disabling fetch phase warnings and errors in Data Virtualization

Fetch phase warnings and errors are enabled by default, and you can turn it on and off.

Before you begin

To complete this task, you must be the user that provisioned this service instance or have the Data Virtualization Manager role. For more information, see Managing roles for users in Data Virtualization.


  • To enable fetch phase warnings and errors, run the following SQL command:
    call dvsys.setconfigproperty('COLLECT_FETCHPHASE_WARNINGS','TRUE','',?,?);
  • To disable fetch phase warnings and errors, run the following SQL command:
    call dvsys.setconfigproperty('COLLECT_FETCHPHASE_WARNINGS','FALSE','',?,?);