If you have data assets in your catalogs that are
connected directly to your data sources and that have business terms assigned, in strict
virtualization mode in Data Virtualization, virtual objects must use business terms for table and
column names.
These instructions assume that you completed the
following prerequisites:
If you enabled the strict virtualization mode, you can create virtual tables only from existing
catalog data assets that have term assignments. Assigned terms are used to rename table and column
names automatically.
In this virtualization mode, users can virtualize only assets that have been added to a catalog
by using a data source connection and that have a business term assigned at the asset level and to
at least one column. The same connection must be added as a data source to Data Virtualization. Use
one of the following options to catalog data source assets and assign business terms:
In this virtualization mode, users can virtualize only assets that are added to
the catalog that the user who is virtualizing the assets has access to and that has business terms
that are assigned to the table and its columns.
Important: These instructions apply only if the service is set to the
virtualization mode. To use business terms to govern your virtual data in the default
virtualization mode, see
Virtualizing data with
business terms.
- On the navigation menu, click to reveal the service menu.
The service menu opens to the
Data sources page by default.
- On the service menu, click
and click the Tables tab.
Data Virtualization shows only tables that you can virtualize which are tables with assigned business
terms. You can see a list of business terms suggestions applicable to each table.
You can see
tables in the Virtualize page only if you have the required Access
catalog permission in the catalog. For more information, see Catalog collaborator
- Select the table that you want to virtualize and click Add to
- Click View cart to view your
From this window, you can update schema names or remove a selection from
your cart. Additionally, you can select or deselect a column, or select a different business term
for a column if multiple business terms are assigned to a table column.
To edit a table
name, you can select any of the business terms that are assigned to the table. Thus, the virtual
table name matches the business term that is assigned to the source table automatically.
To select columns
in strict mode, follow these steps.
- In the object action menu, click
Select columns.
Note: In strict mode, column names are not editable.
- Select a business term to rename the column name.
If a column
has more than one business term assigned, Data Virtualization selects the first business term that
was assigned to rename columns.
You can select business terms to
rename columns. However, you cannot edit column names in a table.
- Select columns that you want to include in your virtual
Note: You must select the checkbox of the column name for changes to take effect when you click
Apply. Changes that you make to columns that are not selected will not take
effect when you click Apply.
- Click Apply.
- Select the appropriate sharing options for the virtualized table.
- Specify a schema in the Schema
You can also create a schema by following these
- A Data Virtualization
ManagerManagers can grant access permission on a
schema to a Data Virtualization
Engineer, who can pick that schema when they virtualize a table.
- If you have the Data Virtualization
Engineer role, leave the
Schema field as default to create a schema with your user ID.
- If you have the Data Virtualization
Manager role, leave the
Schema field as default to create a schema with your user ID or enter the new
schema name in the Schema field.
Click Virtualize to complete the process.
When the status window appears, you can select to view your virtualized data
or virtualize more data.
On the Virtualized data page, you can publish your
virtual object to the catalog. For more information, see Publishing virtual data to the catalog in Data Virtualization.
Limitation: In the strict virtualization
mode (where you can see tables only if they have at least one column with business term assignment),
when you navigate to the Virtualize page, the console appears to be loading the
table list for a while without showing any tables. The loading can be much slower compared to the
default virtualization mode while the console evaluates the list of eligible tables that can be
virtualized, depending on term assignments to data source table and column names.